6 Set up with the display and adjustment module
Additional settings -
Current output - Current
output, meas. variable
Additional settings -
Current output - Current
output, adjustment
Additional settings -
Probe type
Additional settings -
HART mode
Additional settings - Spe-
cial parameters
In menu item "Current output, variable" you specify which measured
variable the current output refers to.
In menu item "Current output, adjustment" you can assign a respec-
tive measured value to the current output.
a list of all possible probes. This is necessary to adapt the electronics
optimally to the probe.
"Fix current (4 mA)". In this menu item you determine the HART mode
and enter the address with Multidrop mode.
In the mode "Fixed current output" up to 63 sensors can be operated
on one two-wire cable (Multidrop operation). An address between 0
and 63 must be assigned to each sensor.
If you select the function "Analogue current output" and also enter
an address number, you can output a 4 ... 20 mA signal in Multidrop
In the mode "Fixed current (4 mA)
pendently of the actual level.
The default setting is "Analogue current output" and the address 00.
In this menu item you gain access to the protected area where
you can enter special parameters. In exceptional cases, individual
Analogue current output" and