Operating situation 3 (overload)
The solar panel's actual charging power > rated power of charge controller
Operating situation 4 (overcurrent)
The solar panel's actual charging current > rated current of charge controller
When the charge controller is working in situation 3 or 4 charging takes place with the charge
controller's rated current and rated power.
If the power of the solar panel exceeds the rated power of the charge controller and the open
circuit voltage of the solar panel is higher than 60 V (Tracer **06 AN) respective 100 V (Tracer
**10 AN) (at lowest ambient temperature), the charge controller can be damaged.
If solar panels that during the hours of most intensive solar radiation produce more power than the
rated power of the charge controller are used, charging will take place with the rated power of the
controller during these hours. This means that more of the day's solar energy is utilised for battery
charging than if a smaller solar panel with less power had been used. In practice, however, solar
panels should be chosen so that their maximum power is no more than 1.5 times the rated power
of the charge controller. Solar panels with significantly higher maximum power than this are not
only overdimensioned, they also produce a higher open circuit voltage as a result of the effect of the
ambient temperature. This in turn increases the risk of damaging the charge controller. A reasonable
choice of surplus power is therefore important. The recommended maximum power for solar panels
that should be connected to this charge controller is given in the table below.
Rated current
20 A
* At ambient temperature 25°C
** At lowest ambient temperature
The electrical installation and dimensioning of cables must comply with local regulations.
Dimensioning of panel type cables
The current a solar panel produces varies in relation to the size of the solar panel, the way it is
connected, and the angle of the sunlight. The minimum cross-sectional area of the conductors can
be calculated on the basis of the solar panel's short-circuit current (Isc). Isc is specified in the technical
data for the solar panel. For connection in series the short-circuit current for the whole solar panel
Rated output
Max power, solar panel
260 W/12 V
520 W/24 V
390 W/12 V
780 W/24 V
Max open circuit voltage,
solar panel
92 V*
100 V**