Low temperature, lithium
Short circuit, consumer
Overload, consumer
Overheating, charge
Overvoltage transients
* At an internal temperature of 81°C the charge controller reduces the charging power by 5%, and for
each additional degree by 10%, 20% and 40%. If despite this the temperature in the charge controller
rises to over 85°C the charging will be switched off completely. Charging will resume when the
temperature has dropped below 75°C.
The charge controller automatically interrupts charging/discharging if
the battery temperature detected by the temperature sensor (option)
is lower than the low temperature protection threshold (LTPT).
When the battery temperature rises over LTPT the charging/
discharging resumes automatically. LTPT is as standard set to 0°C,
but can be set in the interval of 10 to 40°C.
If there is a short circuit in a consumer (a short circuit is considered to
have occurred if the current exceeds 4 times the rated current of the
consumer), the charge controller automatically disconnects from the
outlet. The charge controller automatically makes five attempts to
reconnect, after 5 s, 10 s, 15 s, 20 s and 25 s. If the short circuit persists
it must be acknowledged (press the LOAD button) and the charge
controller either restarts or switches from night mode to day mode
(night mode > 3 hours).
If there is an overload on the consumer side (an overload is considered
to have occurred if the current exceeds 1.05 times the rated current of
the consumer), the charge controller automatically disconnects from
the outlet. The charge controller automatically makes five attempts to
reconnect, after 5 s, 10 s, 15 s, 20 s and 25 s. If the overload persists
it must be acknowledged (press the LOAD button) and the charge
controller either restarts or switches from night mode to day mode
(night mode > 3 hours).
The charge controller has built-in overheating protection, which
disconnects the controller at 85°C and reconnects it at 75°C.
The charge controller has a built-in transient voltage suppressor (TVS)
that provides protection from overvoltage pulses with little energy.
For installation in areas with a high risk of lightning or in unmanned
systems the built-in overvoltage protection must be supplemented
with an external overvoltage protection.