8-Care And Cleaning
8.5 Removable auxiliary door gaskets
There are six auxiliary door gaskets on the upper and lower freezer drawers.
1. Locate the five indicated door gaskets on the upper and lower freezer
2. Make sure the bent slices of the gaskets point inwards while attaching.
3. Locate the lower gasket of the upper drawer as indicated.
4. Make sure the bent slice of this gasket points downwards while attaching.
You get these gaskets as well as the revolving door/drawer gaskets via the
customer service (see warranty card).
8.6 Moving the appliance
1. Remove all food and unplug the appliance.
2. Secure shelves and other moveable parts in the fridge and the freezer with
adhesive tape.
3. Do not tilt the refrigerator more than 45° to avoid damaging the refrigerating
Do not lift the appliance by its handles.
Never place the appliance horizontally on the ground.