After power-up, press "SCHNELLSTART" program -key to enter Quick
Start -Program. Start pedaling to begin workout at this time. Press "+"
or "–" -key to adjust resistance load during workout.
Setting Parameters for Manual
Selecting "MANUELLES PROGRAMM" -key, then pressing "F"-key. 1st
parameter "Time" (Zeit) will flash so value can be adjusted by using"+"
or "–" -key. Press "F"-key to save value & move to next parameter to
be adjusted. Continue through all desired parameters, start pedaling to
start workout. "+" or "–" -key adjusts resistance load during workout.
INDIVIDUAL program allows user to create their own program that can
be used immediately and on subsequent workouts.
Create User Profile
Selecting INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMM with -key, press "F"-key to select
"INDIVIDUAL" mode. The text window will display" Select Profile" 4 se-
conds , meanwhile Segment 1 will flash. Adjust "+" or "–"-key to set
desired resistance load (1-32). Press "F"- key to move to next segment,
continue for all 10 segments.
Setting Parameters for User Program
After that 1st parameter "ZEIT" (Time) will flash so value can be adjus-
ted using "+" or "–" - key. Press "F"-key to save value & move to next
parameter to be adjusted. Continue through all desired parameters,
start pedaling to begin workout. The resistance could not be adjusted
by "+" or "–" –key during workout. Note: The final 10 segments profile
will be saved for future workouts.
Selecting "INTERVALL PROGRAMM" (Interval) with key then pres-
sing "F"- key. The text window will display "SELECT LEVEL" 3 seconds.
There are 3 levels (L1, L2, L3) to select, using "+" or "–" -key then pres-
sing "F"- key to confirm.
Setting Parameters for Interval
After that 1st parameter "Time" will flash so value can be adjusted
using "+" or "–" -key. Press "F"-key to save value & move to next para-
meter to be adjusted. Continue through all desired parameters, start
pedaling to start workout. The resistance could not be adjusted by "+"
or "–" -key during workout.
Selecting "WATT" PROGRAMM with key, then pressing "F"-key. The
text window will display "SELECT WATT" 3 seconds. Meanwhile "100"
will flash. Selecting WATT value from 100W to use "+" or "–" -key then
pressing "F"-key to confirm.
Setting Parameters for WATT
After that 1st parameter "Time" will flash so value can be adjusted
using "+" or "–" -key. Press "F"-key to save value & move to next para-
meter to be adjusted. Continue through all desired parameters. Start
Pedaling to start Workout, "+" or "–" -key adjusts WATT value during
Selecting "ZIELPULS PROGRAM" (HRC) with key. Press "F"-key and dis-
play show HRC 1 = 55% pulse program. You can choose with "+" or "–"
-key one of the other pulse programs HRC 2 = 75%, HRC 3=90%, HRC
4=100%. The target pulse are calculate based on age of user data you
entered at respective user profile U0-U3.
Setting Parameters for Heart Rate Control
After chosen pulse program 1st parameter "ZEIT" (Time) will flash so
value can be adjusted using "+" or "–" -key. Press "F"- key to save value
& move to next parameter to be adjusted. Continue through all desired
parameters. Last parameter is set target pulse, which you can optimize
by using "+" or "–" -key if the calculated value don't fits. Then start pe-
daling to start workout. If pulse is above or below the set target pulse,
computer adjust the resistance load automatically. It will check every
10 seconds approx. 1 level will increase or decrease (Note: each bar
represents 2 level of loading) User can not adjust resistance load, using
"+" or "–" -key during the workout.
Selecting "TEST" Program with key then pressing "F"-key. The display
will show out average speed, total Distance, total Kilojoules and ave-
rage Pulse of last workout for 4 seconds. After that, the text window
will display "SELECT WATT" 3 seconds, meanwhile "100" will flash. Se-
lecting WATT value from 100W, using "+" or "– " -key then pressing "F"-
key to confirm. Start Pedaling to start Workout, Time display will show
12:00, it cannot change. After 12 minutes, will display Average Speed,
Total Distance, Total Kilojoules and Average Pulse,
Selecting "BERG" Program (Mountain) with key then pressing "F"-key.
The text window will display "SELECT LEVEL" 3 seconds. There are 3 le-
vels (L1, L2, L3) to select, using "+" or "–" -key then pressing "F"-key to
Setting Parameters for Mountain
After that 1st parameter "TIME" (Zeit) will flash so value can be adjus-
ted using "+" or "–" -key. Press "F"-key to save value & move to next
parameter to adjust. Continue through all desired parameters, start pe-
daling to begin workout. The resistance could not be adjusted by "+" or
"– " –key during workout.
Selecting "BMI-BMR-FAT" Program with key. Then press "F"- key to
start measurement, please also grip hand pulse grips for 10seconds.
After measurement, the display will show out Body Fat %, BMI and
BMR. Body Fat % and BMI will switch display to another in every 4 se-
conds) If you don't grip the hand pulse sensors Display will show "Err".
(The results were calculated based on personally data you entered in
you chosen user profile U0-U3.)
1. BMI (Body Mass Index): BMI is a measure of body fat based on height
and weight that applies to both adult men and women.
2. BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) shows
the number of calories (1 Calorie = 4,186 Joule) your body needs to
operate. This does not account for any activity, it is simply the energy
needed to sustain a heartbeat, breathing and normal body temperatu-
re. It measures the body at rest, not sleep, at room temperature.
Technical data of the current adapter
Input: AC100-240V~50/60Hz 1,5A max
Output: DC30V/2A