How to balance the unit
This section will guide you through balancing HCV 3 and HCV 5.
Only trained and certified technicians are allowed to balance the unit!
Regulation of the air flow rates must always be carried out according to the national
Only nominal air flow rate must be balanced. The nominal air flow rate corresponds to
Fan Step 3 in Manual Operation Mode on the control panel. See the other set points in
the section "Set points and control strategies" on page 53 and "Description of the con-
trol panel" in the user's guide.
Balancing of the unit must take place in the following situations:
• Before the first operation of the unit
• If the size of the house has been changed
• If the house is renovated and the ducting system is affected by it
• If the filter type is changed e.g. in connection with the pollen season
All air dampers in the ducting system must be installed according to manufacturer rec-
Before you start
ommendations before balancing of HCV 3 and HCV 5 take place.
Make sure that you have the following equipment ready before the installation starts:
• Pressure manometer with approx. 5 mm diameter hose matching the pressure
• Screwdriver with hex lobular pan head 25
When balancing the air volumes of HCV 3 and HCV 5 it is important to ensure that the
Balancing the air
airflows are of equal mass flow!
The supply air flow (T2) must under no circumstances be higher than the extract air
flow (T3), as this can cause humid air to be pressed into the building construction, with
destructive, negative, effects on the building, if the vapour shield it not 100 % air tight
Follow this procedure to balance the unit:
adapter on the unit, which is 6 mm in diameter
Dismount the bottom part of the front.
Make sure that the insulating cover
plates in front of the filters are cor-
rectly mounted with the soft side to-
wards the filter. Push the sheets
against the filter to avoid any air being
sucked in that way
Continued overleaf