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WilTec Class 430 Bedienungsanleitung Seite 11

Booster ladegerät & schnellladegerät
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If you want to start a vehicle with a booster, please note:
1. If it is a big engine it is better to carry out a fast charging of15 minutes before you start it.
2. If you want to start a diesel engine, have your heater plugs preheated before you try to start the en-
Connect the red battery terminal with the plus and the black battery terminal with minus pole. Do not
mix them up!
Operation of the Class Boosters -230, -330, -430
5. First select the right battery voltage (12V or 24V), then connect the battery terminals with the
battery poles.
6. Set the switch „2" to CB and the switch „4" to min-max, switch „3" ato „normal charging" or to
„2" „fast charging"
7. Turn on the booster by activating the switch „1" to „on" and the device starts charging!
8. If you want to start a car engine set switch „2" to „Start", then set switch „1" to „ON", wait for
two minutes, then try to start the engine for max. 4-5 seconds! If the engine does not start af-
ter 3-4 attempts, wait 10 minutes before repeating the operation, so that the battery continues
to charge and the loading device can cool down!
Operation of the Class Boosters -530, -630
4. First select the right battery voltage (12V or 24V), then connect the battery terminals with the
battery poles.
5. Set the switch „1" to „1", 2 or 3 means slow charging, while 4,5,6 means fast charging. Fast
charging takes mostly 1 hour and is normally controlled via timer.
6. If you want to start a car engine set switch „1" to „Start", wait two minutes and then try to start
the engine max. 4 up to 5 seconds long. If the engine does not start after 3-4 attempts, wait
10 minutes before repeating the operation, so that the battery continues to charge and the
loading device can cool down!
© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Seite 11



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