Appliquer une légère pression dans la direction désirée.
Répéter l'opération sur l'autre montant si besoin.
Fermer les auto-agrippants avant lavage.
Enlever les montants latéraux avant lavage.
Pour cela :
• Enlever les sangles, en notant leurs positions originales.
• Tirer sur le haut du produit afin de désengager l'extrémité supérieure des
montants latéraux de leurs housses.
• Retirer les montants par l'ouverture la plus haute.
Remise en place après lavage :
• Introduire l'articulation par l'ouverture la plus haute, partie bombée à l'extérieur
et flexion vers l'arrière.
• Enclencher les extrémités haute et basse des montants dans leurs housses.
• Vérifier que les passants sortent correctement par les ouvertures.
• Remettre les sangles, selon leurs positions décrites Fig. A pour la version longue
et Fig. B pour la version courte.
Lavable en machine à 30 °C (cycle délicat). Si possible utiliser un filet de lavage.
Ne pas utiliser de détergents, adoucissants ou de produits agressifs (produits
chlorés...). Essorer par pression. Sécher loin d'une source directe de chaleur
(radiateur, soleil...). Si le dispositif est exposé à l'eau de mer ou à l'eau chlorée,
prendre soin de bien le rincer à l'eau claire et le sécher.
Stocker à température ambiante, de préférence dans l'emballage d'origine.
Éliminer conformément à la réglementation locale en vigueur.
Premier marquage CE : 1997.
Conserver cette notice
The device is intended only for the treatment of the indications listed and for
patients whose measurements correspond to the sizing table.
Bilateral product.
The product is available in 4 forms: 2 versions (open and closed), each available in
2 lengths (short 30 cm and long 40 cm) to meet the needs of patients (example of
open long version in figure A and closed short version in figure B).
Available in 10 sizes for the open version, 6 sizes for the closed version and a version
made to measure patient.
The device is composed of:
• an anatomically-shaped knitting integrating a light and soft knit at the back of
the knee,
• 2 rigid hinged uprights providing knee stability ❶,
• the TM5 hinge mimicking the natural movements of the knee ❷,
• 2 anterior half-straps Ⓑ, Ⓓ and 2 posterior half-straps Ⓐ, Ⓒ (including a
suspension strap Ⓐ),
• clip buckle system ❸ for the open version,
• a patellar insert to support patella in the closed version ❹.
Textile components: polyamide - polyester - polyurethane - elastane - acrylic.
Rigid components: aluminium - polyethylene - polyoxymethylene (open version) -
brass (open version) - silicone.
Properties/Mode of action
Stabilization of knee joint ligaments provided by the rigid hinged side uprights.
An anatomically-shaped knitting for even compression (closed version).
The brace is maintained on the leg thanks to:
• the Suspension Strap Ⓐ,
• the silicone-coated threads at the top of the knee brace.
Staggered straps to prevent tourniquet effect.
Conservative treatment of knee ligament injuries.
Joint instability/laxity.
Knee pain and/or swelling management.
Sport activities resumption.
Do not use the product if the diagnosis has not been confirmed.
Do not use in the event of known allergy to any of the components.
Do not apply the product in direct contact with broken skin.
History of venous or lymphatic disorders.
Do not use in the event of major venous thromboembolic history without
Verify the product's integrity before every use.
Do not use the device if it is damaged.
Choose the appropriate size to fit the patient, referring to the size chart; not
applicable to the medical devices made to measure patient, the measures are
individually taken.
It is recommended that a healthcare professional supervises the first application.
Strictly comply with your healthcare professional's prescription and
recommendations for use.
This product is intended for the treatment of a given condition. Its duration of use
is limited to this treatment only.
For hygiene and performance reasons, do not re-use the product for another patient.
It is recommended to adequately tighten the device to achieve support/
immobilisation without restricting blood circulation.
In the event of discomfort, significant hindrance, pain, variation in limb volume,
abnormal sensations or change in colour of the extremities, remove the device and
consult a healthcare professional.
In the event of any modification in the product's performance, remove it and
consult a healthcare professional.
Before any sports activity, check the compatibility of the use of this medical device
with your healthcare professional.
Do not wear the product in a medical imaging device.
Do not use the device in case of application of certain products on the skin (creams,
ointments, oils, gels, patches...).
Undesirable side-effect
This device can cause skin reactions (redness, itching, burns, blisters...) or wounds
of various degrees of severity.
Any serious incidents occurring related to the device should be reported to the
manufacturer and to the competent authority of the Member State in which the
user and/or patient is resident.
Instructions for use/Application
It is recommended to wear the device directly on the skin, unless contraindicated.
The straps are numbered using a perforation system: strap Ⓐ = 1 perforation, strap Ⓑ
= 2 perforations... (see diagram for positions).
To avoid damage to the knit fabric, please make sure that the self-griping pads
are always fastened to the designated self-griping surfaces when putting it on
and taking it off.
For the open version:
• To position the knee brace properly, place the fine knit ❺ at the back of the knee,
with your leg straight; hold the uprights on either side at the hinge and perform a