If the engine stops and will not restart, check the engine oil level before
troubelshooting in other areas.
5. USE
To prevent electrical shock from faulty appliances, the generator should be
grounded.Connect a length of heavy wire between the generator's ground
terminal and an external ground source.
Connections for standby power to a building's electrical system must be
made by a qualified electrician and must comply with all applicable laws and
electrical codes. Improper connections can allow electrical current from the
generator to backfeed into the utility lines. Such backfeed may electrocute
utility company workers or others who contact the lines during a power
outage, and when utility power is restored. the generator may explode, burn,
or cause fires in the building's electrical system.
1/AC applications
1. Start the engine and make sure the output indicator light (green) comes on.
2. Confirm that the appliance to be used is switched off, and plug in the