WARNING: the hood must be fixed on both sides of the stroll-
er. Ensure that the hood is correctly secured into position.
15. Open the hood as shown in diagram 15A, and lock it by
ock the
pressing the two side calliper shaped mechanisms (diag.
15B). WARNING: If you wish to close the hood, always un-
push it
lock the two side calliper shaped mechanisms first.
16. The hood can become a summer sun-canopy. The rear
flaps to
panel may be removed by unfastening the zip and Velcro
ram 8.
straps on the sides, as shown in diagram 16.
ons dif-
The stroller may come with a rain cover.
to offer
WARNING: The rain cover must always be used under adult
hown in
17. To fit the rain cover, use the Velcro straps, in the positions
shown in diagram 17. If the rain cover is wet after use, let it
dry out before folding it.
WARNING: do not use the rain cover if the stroller is not fit-
d simul-
ted with hood or sun-canopy to prevent the risk of suffocation.
e pedal.
WARNING: if the rain cover is fitted to the stroller, never leave
ated at
the stroller with the child onboard to prevent the risk of the
tion, as
child overheating.
o levers
d direc-
WARNING: When closing the stroller, ensure that your child,
or other children, are kept at a safe distance. Ensure that dur-
roller is
ing these operations the moveable parts of the stroller do not
come into contact with your child. Before closing the stroller,
, with a
also ensure that the storage basket is empty.
18. If it is open, close the hood, raising the two side calliper
hat the
shaped mechanisms (diagram 18B) and pulling the front
l units.
part of the hood towards you, as shown in diagram 18A.
19. To close the stroller, pull the rear locking mechanism in an
upward direction (diag. 19A), and unlock the pedal, located
on the right side of the stroller, with your foot (see diag.
20. To close the stroller completely, push the handles forward.
21. Lock the stroller in the closed position with the locking de-
vice located on the side (see diag. 21). This operation pre-
to ma-
vents the accidental opening of the stroller.
e locked
The rear wheels can be locked in place so the stroller can be
on grav-
simply stood up, rested against a vertical surface, on its own
(diag. 21A).
22. To remove the bumper bar, press the two buttons found on
the side of the bar (diagram 22) and pull the bar towards
e avail-
you. Open one side of the bumper bar only to accommoda-
ully the
te the child in the stroller more easily.
del pur-
23. To reattach the bumber bar to the frame, insert the two
plastic ends of the bumper bar in the plastic supports, as
shown in (figure 23).
WARNING: Always restrain the child using the safety harness.
The bumper bar is NOT a child restraint device.
und the
WARNING: Do not use the bumper bar to lift the product up.
hts over
Important Note: The pictures and instructions contained in
the booklet refer to the complete stroller model. Some of the
components and functions described here may vary according
to the model purchased.
o straps
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