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Gude Expert Power Control 1202 Anleitung Seite 107

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für Expert Power Control 1202:


mqtt {broker_idx} user set "{username}"
mqtt {broker_idx} user show
mqtt {broker_idx} passw d set "{passw d}"
mqtt {broker_idx} passw d hash set "{passw d}" sets hashed passw d
mqtt {broker_idx} client set "{name}"
mqtt {broker_idx} client show
mqtt {broker_idx} qos set {QOS0=0|QOS1=1}
mqtt {broker_idx} qos show
mqtt {broker_idx} keepalive set {num_secs}
mqtt {broker_idx} keepalive show
mqtt {broker_idx} topic set "{name}"
mqtt {broker_idx} topic show
mqtt {broker_idx} console enabled set {OFF=0|
mqtt {broker_idx} console enabled show
mqtt {broker_idx} device data timer set
mqtt {broker_idx} device data timer show
port {port_num} state set {OFF=0|ON=1}
port {port_num} state show
port all state set "{port_list}" {OFF=0|ON=1}
port all state {MODE0=0|MODE1=1|MODE2=2}
port all set {OFF=0|ON=1|OFF_REV=2|ON_REV=3} sw itch all ports on/off forw ard or reverse
port restart all set {REINIT=0|
port {port_num} reset
port {port_num} toggle
port {port_num} batch set {OFF=0|ON=1} w ait
{num_secs} {OFF=0|ON=1}
port {port_num} batch cancel
port {port_num} label set "{name}"
port {port_num} label show
port {port_num} initstate coldstart set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} initstate coldstart show
port {port_num} initstate delay set {num}
port {port_num} initstate delay show
port {port_num} gsm pin set "{pin_num}"
port {port_num} gsm pin show
port {port_num} repow erdelay set {num}
port {port_num} repow erdelay show
port {port_num} resettime set {num}
port {port_num} resettime show
port {port_num} w atchdog enabled set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog enabled show
port {port_num} w atchdog mode set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog mode show
port {port_num} w atchdog type set {WD_ICMP=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog type show
port {port_num} w atchdog link dow n set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog link dow n show
port {port_num} w atchdog host set "{dns_name}" sets port w atchdog host target
port {port_num} w atchdog host show
port {port_num} w atchdog port set {ip_port}
port {port_num} w atchdog port show
port {port_num} w atchdog pinginterval set {num} sets port w atchdog ping interval
port {port_num} w atchdog pinginterval show
Expert Power Control 1202/1292
sets username
show s username
sets passw ord
sets client name
show s client name
sets QoS level
show s QoS level
sets keep-alive time
show s keep-alive time
sets topic prefix
shw os topic prefix
permit console cmds
show s if console cmds allow ed
sets telemetry interval
show s telemetry interval
enters cmd group "port"
sets port to new state
show s port state
sets several ports in one cmd - e.g. port all state
set "1,3,5" 1
show s all port states in 3 different view modes
reinit coldstart sequence (optional first all off)
start reset sequence for port
toggles port
starts batch mode for port
cancels batch mode
sets port label name
show s port label name
sets port coldstart initialization
show s port coldstart initialization
sets port init delay
show s port init delay
sets the individual port access code
show s the individual port access code
sets port repow er delay
show s port repow er delay
sets port reset duration
show s port reset duration
sets port w atchdog to on/off
show s port w atchdog state
sets port w atchdog mode
show s port w atchdog mode
sets port w atchdog type
show s port w atchdog type
sets if w atchdog active w hen eth link dow n
show s if w atchdog active w hen eth link dow n
show s port w atchdog host target
sets port w atchdog TCP port
show s port w atchdog TCP port
show s port w atchdog ping interval
© 2022 GUDE Systems GmbH



Diese Anleitung auch für:

Expert power control 1292
