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Gude Expert Power Control 8221-Serie Anleitung Seite 87

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für Expert Power Control 8221-Serie:


Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

console telnet port set {ip_port}
console telnet port show
console telnet raw set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet raw show
console telnet echo set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet echo show
console telnet activeneg set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet activeneg show
console telnet login set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet login show
console telnet login local set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet login local show
console telnet login radius set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet login radius show
console telnet login delay set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet login delay show
console telnet pushmsgs config set {OFF=0|
console telnet pushmsgs config show
console telnet pushmsgs set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console telnet pushmsgs show
console telnet user set "{username}"
console telnet user show
console telnet passw d set "{passw d}"
console telnet passw d hash set "{passw d}"
console ssh enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console ssh enabled show
console ssh port set {ip_port}
console ssh port show
console ssh echo set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console ssh echo show
console ssh pushmsgs config set {OFF=0|ON=1} enables persistent push msgs
console ssh pushmsgs config show
console ssh pushmsgs set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console ssh pushmsgs show
console ssh public hash set "{passw d}"
console ssh public hash show
console serial enabled set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial enabled show
console serial raw set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial raw show
console serial echo set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial echo show
console serial kvm set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial kvm show
console serial utf8 set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial utf8 show
console serial login set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial login show
console serial login local set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial login local show
console serial login radius set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial login radius show
console serial login delay set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial login delay show
console serial pushmsgs config set {OFF=0|
console serial pushmsgs config show
console serial pushmsgs set {OFF=0|ON=1}
console serial pushmsgs show
console serial user set "{username}"
console serial user show
console serial passw d set "{passw d}"
console serial passw d hash set "{passw d}"
Expert Power Control 8221/8226
sets telnet port
show s telnet port
sets raw mode (disables editing) on/off
show s if raw mode enabled
enables echo on/off
show s if echo enabled
enables telnet active negotiation (IAC) on/off
show s if active negotiation enabled
enables login on/off
show s if login enabled
enables local login on/off
show s if local login enabled
enables login for RADIUS on/off
show s if RADIUS login enabled
enables delay (after 3 login fails) on/off
show s if login delay enabled
enables persistent push msgs
show s if persistent push msgs are enabled
enables temporary push msgs
show s if temporary push msgs are enabled
sets login user name
show s login user name
sets login passw ord
sets login hashed passw ord
enables SSH
show s if SSH enabled
sets SSH port
show s SSH port
enables echo on/off
show s if echo enabled
show s if persistent push msgs are enabled
enables temporary push msgs
show s if temporary push msgs are enabled
sets hash of SSH public key
show s hash of SSH public key
enables serial console on/off
show s if serial console enabled
sets raw mode (disables editing) on/off
show s if raw mode enabled
enables echo on/off
show s if echo enabled
enables binary KVM cmds on serial port on/off
show s if binary KVM cmds enabled
enables UTF8 support
show s if UTF8 enabled
enables login on/off
show s if login enabled
enables local login on/off
show s if local login enabled
enables login for RADIUS on/off
show s if RADIUS login enabled
enables delay (after 3 login fails) on/off
show s if login delay enabled
enables persistent push msgs
show s if persistent push msgs are enabled
enables temporary push msgs
show s if temporary push msgs are enabled
sets login user name
show s login user name
sets login passw ord
sets login hashed passw ord
© 2022 GUDE Systems GmbH



Diese Anleitung auch für:

Expert power control 8226-serieExpert power control 8221-1Expert power control 8226-1Expert power control 8221 serie
