Place a few embers (09) on the burner (MAIN). Place logs (01), (02), (04) and (08) on the burner plate as shown in the photo.
When doing so, make sure that the pilot (PILOT) is not obstructed. Spread the embers (09) over the bottom. Place log (03)
diagonally across logs (04) and (01). Then place log (05) diagonally across logs (03) and (04), followed by log (06) across logs
(04) and (02). Finally, place log (07) across logs (04) and (08).
Fireplace windows are made out of ceramic, 4-mm-thick glass.
This glass is very resistant to cracking under regular circumstances, although there are exceptions.
If the window is put under a lot of strain, it may crack when the fireplace is operated. This is usually the result of the window