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Gude Expert Net Control 2111 Anleitung Seite 98



port {port_num} batch set {OFF=0|ON=1} w ait
{num_secs} {OFF=0|ON=1}
port {port_num} batch cancel
port {port_num} label set "{name}"
port {port_num} label show
port {port_num} initstate coldstart set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} initstate coldstart show
port {port_num} initstate delay set {num}
port {port_num} initstate delay show
port {port_num} repow erdelay set {num}
port {port_num} repow erdelay show
port {port_num} resettime set {num}
port {port_num} resettime show
port {port_num} w atchdog enabled set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog enabled show
port {port_num} w atchdog mode set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog mode show
port {port_num} w atchdog type set {WD_ICMP=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog type show
port {port_num} w atchdog link dow n set {OFF=0|
port {port_num} w atchdog link dow n show
port {port_num} w atchdog host set "{dns_name}" sets port w atchdog host target
port {port_num} w atchdog host show
port {port_num} w atchdog port set {ip_port}
port {port_num} w atchdog port show
port {port_num} w atchdog pinginterval set {num} sets port w atchdog ping interval
port {port_num} w atchdog pinginterval show
port {port_num} w atchdog pingretries set {num} sets port w atchdog ping retries
port {port_num} w atchdog pingretries show
port {port_num} w atchdog retrybooting set
port {port_num} w atchdog retrybooting show
port {port_num} w atchdog bootretries set {num} sets port w atchdog retry boot timeout
port {port_num} w atchdog bootretries show
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} enabled set
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} enabled
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} server set
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} server
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} passw ord
set "{passw d}"
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} passw ord
hash set "{passw d}"
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} auth timeout
set {num_secs}
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} auth timeout
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} retries set
radius {PRIMARY=0|SECONDARY=1} retries
radius chap enabled set <off=0/on=1>
radius chap enabled show
radius message auth set <off=0/on=1>
radius message auth show
Expert Net Control 2111/2191
starts batch mode for port
cancels batch mode
sets port label name
show s port label name
sets port coldstart initialization
show s port coldstart initialization
sets port init delay
show s port init delay
sets port repow er delay
show s port repow er delay
sets port reset duration
show s port reset duration
sets port w atchdog to on/off
show s port w atchdog state
sets port w atchdog mode
show s port w atchdog mode
sets port w atchdog type
show s port w atchdog type
sets if w atchdog active w hen eth link dow n
show s if w atchdog active w hen eth link dow n
show s port w atchdog host target
sets port w atchdog TCP port
show s port w atchdog TCP port
show s port w atchdog ping interval
show s port w atchdog ping retries
sets port w atchdog retry booting to on/off
show s port w atchdog retry booting state
how s port w atchdog retry boot timeout
enters cmd group "radius"
enables radius client
show if radius client enabled
sets radius server address
show s radius server address
sets radius server shared secret
sets radius server crypted shared secret
sets server request timeout
show s server request timeout
sets server number of retries
show s server number of retries
enables CHAP
show s if CHAP is enabled
enables request message authentication
show s if request message authentication is
© 2022 GUDE Systems GmbH



Diese Anleitung auch für:

Expert net control 2191
