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Makita DUS054 Betriebsanleitung Seite 6

Akku drucksprühgerät
Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für DUS054:


5. Maintain po w er tools and a c c essories. C he c k f or
misali g nment or bindin g o f movin g parts, break-
a g e o f parts and any other c ondition that may
a e t t e po er tool s operation
have the po w er tool repaired be f ore use. M any
a c c idents are c aused by poorly maintained po w er
6. Keep c uttin g tools sharp and c lean. P roperly
maintained c utting tools w ith sharp c utting edges
are less likely to bind and are easier to c ontrol.
7. Use the po w er tool, a c c essories and tool bits
et c . in a c c ordan c e w ith these instru c tions, tak-
in g into a c c ount the w orkin g c onditions and the
w ork to be per f ormed. U se of the po w er tool for
o erations di erent ro
in a ha z ardous situation.
8. Keep handles and g raspin g sur f a c es dry, c lean
and f ree f rom oil and g rease. Slippery handles
and grasping surfa c es do not allo w for safe handling
and c ontrol of the tool in une x pe c ted situations.
9 . W hen usin g the tool, do not w ear c loth w ork
g loves w hi c h may be entan g led. The entangle-
ment of c loth w ork gloves in the moving parts may
result in personal injury.
B attery tool use and c are
arge onl
it t e
manu f a c turer. A c harger that is suitable for one
e o
used w ith another battery pa c k.
se po er tools onl
nated battery pa c ks. U se of any other battery
a create a risk o in ur and re.
3. W hen battery pa c k is not in use, keep it a w ay
f rom other metal obje c ts, like paper c lips, c oins,
keys, nails, s c re w s or other small metal obje c ts,
that c an make a c onne c tion f rom one terminal
to another. Shorting the battery terminals together
a cause urns or a re.
4. Under abusive c onditions, li q uid may be eje c ted
f rom the battery ; avoid c onta c t. I f c onta c t
i entall o
urs, us
c onta c ts eyes, additionally seek medi c al help.
Li q uid eje c ted from the battery may c ause irritation
or burns.
5. D o not use a battery pa c k or tool that is dam-
age or
o ifie
a e
i it un redicta le e aviour resulting in re
e x plosion or risk of injury.
o not e pose a atter pa k or tool to fire or
e x c essive temperature.
perature above 130 ° C may c ause e x plosion.
7. F ollo w all c har g in g instru c tions and do not
c har g e the battery pa c k or tool outside the
te perature range spe ifie in t e instru tions
C harging improperly or at temperatures outside
t e s eci ed range
increase t e risk o
a age ,
t ose intended could result
arger spe ifie
a create a risk o
it spe ifi all
li ui
a aged or
odi ed atteries
osure to re or te -
a da age t e atter and
Servi c e
a e our po er tool ser i e
repair person usin g only identi c al repla c ement
parts. This w ill ensure that the safety of the po w er
tool is maintained.
2. N ever servi c e dama g ed battery pa c ks. Servi c e
of battery pa c ks should only be performed by the
manufa c turer or authori z ed servi c e providers.
3. F ollo w instru c tion f or lubri c atin g and c han g in g
a c c essories.
C ordless G arden Sprayer
Saf ety W arning s
f or this symbol re f eren c e on the c ontainer.
used w ith the sprayer c ontains c hemic als know n
to c ause c anc er, birth def ec t of other reproduc tive
Some ex amples of these c hemic als are:
· c ompounds in fertiliz e
t e
· c ompounds in insec tic ides, herbic ides, and pestic ides;
· arsenic and c hromium from c hemic ally treated lumber.
F ollow direc tions on c ontainers of all suc h produc ts.
To reduc e your ex posure to these c hemic als, w ear
approved safety eq uipment suc h as fac e masks that
are spec ially designed to filter out sprays, gloves, and
other appropriate protec tive eq uipment.
B e f ore usin g any pesti c ide or other spray mate-
rials in this sprayer, read the label on its ori g inal
c ontainer thorou g hly and f ollo w its dire c tions.
Some spray materials are dangerous and should
not be used in this sprayer, as they c an damage the
sprayer and c ause serious bodily injury or property
Ele c tri c sho c k ha z ard. Never spray to w ard ele c tri-
c al outlets.
D o not use c ommer c ial g rade c hemi c als or
c hemi c als f or c ommer c ial or industrial pur-
poses. U se only c onsumer grade w ater-based la w n
and garden c hemi c als.
D o not pour hot or boilin g li q uids into the tank.
These c an w eaken or damage the hose or tank.
Spray area must be w ell ventilated.
Avoid sprayin g on w indy days. Spray c an be
a c c identally blo w n onto plants or obje c ts that should
not be sprayed.
Store the sprayer in a se c ure, w ell-ventilated
in oor spa e it t e ui tank e pt
D o not use c austi c (alkali) sel f -heatin g or c or-
rosive (a c id) li q uids in this sprayer. These c an
c orrode metal parts or w eaken the tank and hose.
6 E n g l is h
isk o fire or e plosion
a le li ui s su
as gasoline
Some spray c reated f rom produc ts
a ualifie
o not

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