5. Setting up and using number plate recognition
These sections describe the basic set-up steps for enabling number plate recognition and for
carrying out the first analysis tasks. Other applications and/or solutions for application
requirements are possible from the different combinations of settings.
5.1 Camera web browser
In this system configuration, the camera detects the number plate and the number plate data is
written to the microSD card in the ANPR camera. A positive/negative list can be stored in the
ANPR camera for the purpose of event handling.
It is imperative that a microSD card of at least 8 Gbyte is inserted in the microSD
card slot of the camera.
Possible applications of number plate recognition:
Automated opening of gates and barriers (via switching output of camera)
Tracking of number plates passing through
First, number plate recognition must be enabled in the ANPR camera. Next, the detection zone
must be delimited. To do this, the yellow lines can be changed in terms of their position and
length, and after these settings are saved, the rectangle created is automatically drawn. Then
select the option "Entrance/Exit" for the input/output monitoring.
With these settings, the first detection results can be viewed.
Define detection