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9. fuNCTIoN buTToNS
The illuminated function buttons (8) can be used in different ways and combinations.
a) key lock function
1. Press the LoCk/uNLoCk button, to block or unblock all function buttons / control dials on the front of the
2. The LoCk/uNLoCk button lights up if all function buttons / control dials on the front of the device are blocked.
b) manual output oN/off
1. Press the ouTPuT oN/off button to manually switch the output on /off.
2. The ouTPuT oN/off button lights up if the output is switched on.
c) Adjustable ammeter / watt-meter
1. Press the ShIfT button and then the LoCk/uNLoCk button, to change from the ammeter to the watt-meter .
2. Press the ShIfT button again and then the LoCk/uNLoCk button when wanting to change back to the amme-