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Gain Control - Dynacord PowerMate 1000-3 Bedienungsanleitung

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HINT: Please, do not connect E-guitars or E-basses with passive, high impedance outputs directly to a LINE input.
The LINE inputs of the PowerMate – like the Line level inputs of mixers from other manufacturers – are
designed for the connection of the relatively low source impedance of electronic instruments. The reproduc-
tion of the instrument's original sound characteristics will be unsatisfactory. Connect those instruments
using a special transformer or pre-amplifier with very high input impedance. Musical instruments with an
active electronic output (battery-powered) can be connected without any problems.
Stereo phone jack with breaker function. The low impedance output is assigned to the tip (send) and the high imped-
ance input (return) is assigned to the ring. This jack allows the connection of external compressors, limiters, EQs, de-
noisers, etc. into the corresponding channel's signal path. The insertion point is post gain controls, Lo-Cut filters, and
voicing stage and pre sound shaping section and channel faders. You have to use a stereo phone plug – according to
the diagram aside – in case you intend to use this jack as a true insert bus.
Illustration 2-3: Y cable for Insert jack
When using the insert socket as a DIRECT OUT (Pre EQ), the stereo phone plug's tip and ring have to be short circuited,
so that the audio signal is not interrupted. If you are using a monaural phone plug instead, you will get a DIRECT OUT
with breaker function – the signal flow within the channel is interrupted.
4 - GAIN
Rotary control for adjusting a MIC/LINE input's sensitivity. These controls let you optimally adjust the incoming signals
to the mixer's internal operation level. Cautious adjusting offers the benefits of an improved S/N-ratio and provides you
with the full bandwidth of the PowerMate's outstanding sound capabilities. On the XLR-type connectors an amplification
of 0 dB is achieved when the control is set all the way to the left and +60 dB when the control is set all the way to the
Especially when dealing with very low input levels – during vocal recordings and when the speaker is located in a dis-
tance – the high gain is extremely profitable. Using the LINE input, the signal is generally attenuated by -20 dB while
maintaining the total adjustment range of 60 dB. The LINE input's unity gain – no amplification (0 dB) – is achieved at
the 20 dB mark. The following is meant as a short note for your assistance on how to determine the right input level:
GAIN setting instructions:
Set the gain control and the corresponding channel fader to their minimum values.
Connect the desired sound source (microphone, musical instrument, etc.) to the desired MIC or LINE input.
Start the reproduction of the sound source at the highest volume level to be expected – respectively sing or speak
as loud as possible directly (short distance) into the microphone.
While playing the sound source or singing into the microphone, adjust the input level using the gain control, so
that during the loudest passages the PK LED is just not lit, but the SIG present LED lights constantly. This is the
basic channel setting, leaving you with at least 6 dB of headroom, i.e. you have at least a range of 6 dB before sig-
nal clipping occurs. In case you intend to make further adjustments to the channel's EQ setting, you should per-
form steps 3. and 4. again afterwards, since changes in the sound shaping section also have an influence on the
channel's overall level.
Illustration 2-4: Direct Out cable without signal interruption



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