The rainwater storage tank must be sufficiently aerated and
Aerating and ventilating the rainwater storage tank.
ventilated to guarantee safe operation. One of the four pos-
sibilities a ... d (see illustration) must be realised. The pipe
(nominal width ≥ DN 100) should be kept short, always be
on the rise and sealed by an aeration and ventilation stack
which has vermin protection. Aeration and ventilation must
not be together with other installations
Rainwater storage tank
Rainwater filter
Floating removal
Rainwater pumping system
k + b Direct ventilation of the rainwater storage tank
k Ventilation through the rainwater filter
k Ventilation through the empty conduit
PLEASE NOTE: If the rainwater pipes or rainwater storage
tank are not sufficiently ventilated, this will lead to an un-
wanted loss of efficiency of the rainwater filter.
During the intermediate storage of the rainwater filter
and until completion of the installation work, suitable sa-
feguarding measures must be taken at the building site
to prevent accidents and damage to the rainwater filter.
The chapter "Safety instructions" must be heeded!
4. Installation and assembly
Installation must only be carried out by companies who are
4.2.2 Installation requirements
in possession of the technical experience, suitable imple-
ments and equipment as well as adequately trained person-
A measurement of the soil conditions with a view to its struc-
tural suitability must have been carried out (soil classificati-
on for structural purposes DIN 18196). The maximum gro-
undwater level that can occur must be established. A suffi-
cient drainage of seepage water is compulsory for soils that
are impermeable to water. The types of loads occurring such
as maximum travelling loads and installation depth must
have been clarified.
4.2.3 Filling material
Round-grain gravel (max. graining
8/16) acc. to DIN 4226-1)
Tank bed:
tank encasing:
Round-grain gravel (max. graining
8/16) acc. to DIN 4226-1)
Area outside the
tank encasing:
material of suitable consistence
Top layer:
Topsoil or similar
The foundation soil must be horizontal and level, so that the
4.2.4 Excavation pit
system can be put down onto its full surface, in addition, the
foundation soil must guarantee a sufficient load bearing ca-
pacity. As subbase a compacted round-grain gravel (max.
graining 8/16, thickness minimum 30 cm, Dpr≥95%) and on
top of that 3 - 10 cm compacted sand are necessary. The
clearance between excavation pit wall and tank must be at
least 70 cm. The slopes must comply with DIN 4124. .
Immediately before placing the tank into the excavation pit,
4..2.5. Tests before installation
the technical expert of the company that has been commis-
sioned to carry out the installation has to check and certify
the following:
- The sound condition of the tank wall;
- The proper condition of the excavation pit with a view to its
dimensions and base bedding;
- Consistence of the filling material graining.
Once the excavation pit has been prepared, the inlet, outlet
4.2.6 Installation
and, if appropriate, ventilation pipes must be laid and
connected. The following points must be heeded