If injuries involving hazardous pumping liquids or
gases occur, first-aid measures must be performed in
accordance with the notices in the workplace and a
doctor should be called immediately!
Ensure that all necessary tools and materials are
available. Tidiness and cleanliness guarantee safe and
problem-free operation of the machine. After work-
ing on the machine all cleaning materials and tools
should be removed from it. All materials and tools
should be stored in an appropriate place.
Operating supplies such as oil and lubricants must
be collected in appropriate vessels and properly dis-
posed of (in accordance with the 75/439/EEC direc-
tive and with §§5a, 5b AbfG). Appropriate protective
clothing is to be worn for cleaning and maintenance
jobs. This is to be disposed of in accordance with
waste code TA 524 02 and EC Directive 91/689/EEC.
Only lubricants expressly recommended by the man-
ufacturer may be used. Oils and lubricants should not
be mixed. Only use genuine parts made by the man-
Make sure that the system is leakage-free.
The proper function of the pump, its wear parts and its
product life are mainly dependent on regular servicing and
maintenance of this unit. Particulates settle on the bottom
of the tank in the course of time.
This sediment can lead to pump clogging and block the
float switch. It is therefore recommended to service the
pump, piping, inlets and pressure port biannually and, if
necessary, clean the respective areas and parts.
This is especially necessary in connection with the gen-
eral maintenance of the heating system prior to the start
of the heating period. In the course of time and especially
after longer standstill period particulates, at times highly
acidic, can affect or destroy parts of the tank.
The upper part of the pump can be removed without the
use of tools by carefully moving the 4 laces on the upper
part of the pump outward. The upper part can then com-
pletely be removed and the float switch and the bottom
part of the pump body as well as the tank (bottom part)
are freely accessible.
These parts can now be washed with warm water and
mild soap. After cleaning, place the upper part on the low-
er (tank) part. A latching can be heard. Connect the pump
to the mains and fill water into the tank through one of
the inlets. After having filled the tank with about 1.5 l the
system will start automatically and discharge the water
into the canalization.
7. Troubleshooting
In order to prevent damage or serious injury while rec-
tifying machine faults, the following points must be ob-
Only attempt to rectify a fault if you have qualified
personnel. This means each job must be carried out
by trained specialist personnel, for example electrical
work must be performed by a trained electrician.
Always secure the machine against an accidental
restart by disconnecting it from the electric system.
Take appropriate safety precautions.
Independent work on the machine is at one's own
risk and releases the manufacturer from any warranty
Discharge blocked / breaked
Low pump capacity
Non-return valve polluted
Head to high
No power available
Plug is not plugged in
Motor does not start
Pump is blocked by impurities
Motor is defect
Electronics are defect
Motor operates, pump
Discharge blocked / breaked
gives no liquid
Non-return valve polluted
Pump does not switch
Float switch polluted
(either a float switch
pressure-switch is defect
or a pressure-switch is
Pump does not switch
Persistent / too much influx
runtime overrun,
Massive foam development
Thermal switch
in the container or in the
Further steps for troubleshooting
If the items listed here do not help you rectify the fault,
contact our customer service. They can help you as fol-
Telephone or written help from customer service
On-site support from customer service
Checking and repairing the machine at the factory
Note that you may be charged for some services provided
by our customer support. Customer service will provide
you with details on this.
Clean / remove break
Reduce head
Check power supply
Insert the plug
Clean tank and pump housing
Exchange by qualified
Exchange by qualified
Clean / remove break
Exchange by qualified
Reduce discharge to an
acceptable amount
Use less / non-foaming rinsing
stones in the toilet
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