5.3 Network configuration
5.3.1 MAC-Address
Already by TR-Electronic each EtherNet/IP™ device a worldwide explicit device
identification is assigned und serves for the identification of the Ethernet node. This 6
byte long device identification is the MAC-Address and is not changeable.
The MAC-Address is divided in:
3 Byte Manufacturer-ID and
3 Byte Device-ID, current number
Normally the MAC-Address is printed on the connection hood of the device.
E.g.: "00-03-12-04-00-60"
5.3.2 IP-Address
So that an EtherNet/IP™ device as a subscriber at the Industrial Ethernet can be
controlled, this device additionally needs an explicit IP-Address in the network. The IP-
address consists of 4 decimal numbers with the value range from 0 to 255. The
decimal numbers are separated by a point from each other.
The IP-Address consists of
the address of the (sub) net and
the address of the subscriber, called host or net node
5.3.3 Subnet mask
The "1-bits" of the subnet mask determine the part of the IP-Address which contains
the address of the (sub) network.
General it is valid:
The network address results from the AND-conjunction of IP-Address and
Subnet mask.
The subscriber address results from the conjunction
IP-Address AND (NOT Subnet mask)
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