is selected Press the knob CONTROL
SELECT to confirm; the wizard will start
and the menu "Date / Time" will appear:
12/24 hour format
The 24-hour format is selected for the time
(indicated by the asterisk
the knob CONTROL SELECT to select the
12-hour format Press the knob to confirm
the format selected
3) The menu for the automatic time update
will appear:
Auto update
Update from DAB
Update from FM
Update from Network
No update
The current setting is indicated by the as-
(automatic time update via the
The other options are:
Automatic time update via DAB station
or FM station or manual time setting
No update
Note: The time will only be updated automat-
ically when a corresponding station is received
Therefore select the setting that corresponds to
the operating mode most frequently used: If you
listen to the digital radio for most of the time, for
example, select
Update from DAB
listen to the Internet radio, leave the setting
Update from Network
Confirm the current setting or select and
confirm a different setting Depending on
the setting selected, one of the following
menus will be shown:
Update from DAB
No additional time settings are required
Continue with step 4 The menu shown
there (fig 11) will appear
Update from Network
The menu "Set timezone" will appear:
Set timezone
UTC +00:00: Dublin, Lon
UTC +00:30:
UTC +01:00: Madrid, A...
UTC +01:30:
UTC +02:00: Athen, Kai ...
For Great Britain, the correct setting has
been selected:
UTC +00:00: Dublin, London
Confirm this setting or, for a different
country, first select the appropriate time
zone and then confirm your selection
The menu "Daylight savings" will ap-
Dayli g ht savin g s
Dayli g ht savin g s
During the standard time, confirm the
; for the daylight saving
Fig. 6
) If desired, turn
Fig. 7
4) When the final time setting has been con-
, or if you mainly
5) The following message will briefly appear:
Fig. 8
6) The unit will search for a network:
Fig. 9
time, select and confirm the setting
Continue with step 4 The menu
shown there (fig 11) will appear
No update
The menu for the manual time setting
will appear:
Set Time/Date
The digits for the day will flash Turn
the knob CONTROL SELECT to set the
day and then press the knob to con-
firm The digits for the month will start
flashing Proceed in the same way to set
the month, the year, the hours and the
minutes (and
if the 12-hour
format has been selected) To return to
the previous setting, press the button
firmed, the menu for permanent connec-
tion to the network will appear:
Network settin g s
Keep network connected?
(factory setting) is selected, the
connection to the network will always
be maintained (required when the unit is
to be controlled via the network, e g by
means of the app UNDOK™) If
lected, the connection to the network will
be disconnected when it is not required,
e g for FM reception or in the standby
mode (this will save power) Confirm the
or select and confirm
Please select
Wlan re g ion
Then a list of regions for the network set-
ting will appear:
Wlan re g ion
The line
is selected For Great
Britain (or for a different country in
Europe), press the knob CONTROL SELECT
to confirm this setting
Network settin g s
Network wizard
Scannin g /
Then the menu with the networks found
will appear:
[Manual confi g ]
A To establish the connection to the net-
work later:
Press the button MENU; answer the
Fig. 10
start up?
be used for all functions that do not
require any network connection
Note: In this case, it is recommended to select
the setting
(available as a menu item in the menu
"System settings":
B If the unit is connected to the network
via cable (LAN):
Select the line
firm your selection The connection to
the network will be established: con-
tinue with step 8
C If the unit is to be connected to the
network via wireless connection (wire-
less LAN):
Select the name of your network
(SSID)* and then confirm your selec-
tion If the access to the network is not
Fig. 11
encrypted, the connection to the net-
work will be established: continue with
step 8 If the connection is encrypted,
continue with step 7
will precede the name to indicate that
is se-
the router supports WPS.
D As an alternative to the methods de-
scribed under B and C, manual con-
figuration can be selected (e g if the
network name is not visible or if it is not
possible to use the DHCP function)
Note: For manual configuration, knowledge
of network technology is indispensable
a) Select the line
and then confirm your selection
b) Depending on the connection type
Fig. 12
of the unit, select and confirm
c) In the next menu, select and con-
tomatically transfers the network
settings to the unit via DHCP If the
DHCP function is not available or if
it has been deactivated at the router,
Fig. 13
select and confirm
and then, in the following menus,
make the appropriate settings for
IP address, subnet mask, gateway
address and DNS
If the unit is connected to the net-
work via cable, the unit will start
to establish the connection to the
network as soon as the final setting
has been confirmed; continue with
step 8 For wireless connection to
the network, continue with step d
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Run wizard a g ain at next
as desired The unit can now
Keep network connected
fig 27)
and then con-
[Manual confi g ]
DHCP enable
if the router au-
DHCP disable