Product fiche concerning Regulation (EU) No 2019/2017
Product fiche concerning Regulation (EU) No 2019/2017
The product fiche for your device is available online.
Go to and enter the model identifier of your device to access the
product fiche.
The model Identifier of your device can be found under Technical specifications and on the type
Technical specifications
Model identifier
Supply voltage / frequency / fuse
Rated power
Device measurements
(Height × Width × Depth with connections)
Unloaded weight
Depth of flow
Water pressure
Page EN-43
220 - 240 V / 50 Hz / 10 A
1760 - 2100 W
81.5 cm × 59.8 cm × 57.0 cm
37.5 kg
max. 100 cm
0.04–1.0 MPa / 0.4–10 bar