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6 - Using The Machine; Machine Statuses; Manual Switching On; Programmed Automatic Switching On - La Pavoni BAR AT ES Betrieb Und Wartung

Automatische espressomaschine


Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Engl i s h


Before operating the machine it is necessary to have
read this publication carefully and to have gained a
good general knowledge of the machine.
After a period of inactivity of the machine it is advisable
to read again chapter "5.3 before re-utilising the
6 . 1
6 . 1
6 . 1
6 . 1
6 . 1

Machine statuses

Machine statuses
Machine statuses
Machine statuses
Machine statuses
Concerning the electricity mains, the machine can be found in
one of the following statuses:
Mac hine of f and cut out
Main switch (ref.
"0" or plug disconnected.
Only the stored data memory is active.
Machi n e on
Main switch (ref.
"I" or plug connected.
All functions are active and display (ref.
Standb y mode (mac hine of f but not cut out)
Main switch (ref.
are active if selected, and
and stor ed da ta memor y.
Dipla y bac klighting is of
6 . 2
6 . 2
6 . 2

Manual switching on

Manual switching on
Manual switching on
6 . 2
6 . 2
Manual switching on
Manual switching on
This type of starting up is required when the machine is in the
"mac hine of f and cut out"
is necessary to proceed as described in "5.3 First switching
on" by disconnecting the dispensed drink command, if possi-
bl e .
6 . 3
6 . 3
6 . 3
6 . 3
6 . 3
Programmed automatic
Programmed automatic
Programmed automatic
Programmed automatic
Programmed automatic
switching on
switching on
switching on
switching on
switching on
It is possib
le w hen the mac
the function
The machine will switch on at the preset time.
Downloaded from
10 , fig. 1) and all-pole switch in position
10 , fig. 1) and all-pole switch in position
8a , fig. 1) is on.
10 , fig. 1) in position "
"CLOCK", as well as the display
sta tus (see 6.1 Mac
hine sta tuses). It
hine is in "ST ANDBY" mode and
manuals search engine
6 . 4
6 . 4
Temporary switching on from
Temporary switching on from
6 . 4
6 . 4
6 . 4
Temporary switching on from
Temporary switching on from
Temporary switching on from
It is a manual and voluntary start, controlled by the User with
the mac hine in "ST ANDBY" mode .
It is obtained by pressing key
The mac hi n e wi l l r ever t automa ti c al l y to the "ST ANDBY" mode
60 minutes after the last operation performed.
6 . 5
6 . 5
6 . 5

Coffee dispensing

Coffee dispensing
Coffee dispensing
6 . 5
6 . 5
Coffee dispensing
Coffee dispensing
Briefly press (less than 1 sec.):
to obtain a single small cup, the display will
show "1 SMALL CUP";
to obtain two small cups (a double dose of
the displa y will sho w "2 SMALL CUPS";
cof fee is used),
to obtain a single large cup, the display will
show "1 LARGE CUP";
to obtain two large cups (a double dose of
the displa y will sho w "2 LARGE CUPS".
cof fee is used),
All these types of
dispensing ar
instantly ground by the machine.
During the dispensing, the display will show
i f enabl e d by menu (see "6.19 Menu-programmabl e functi o ns");
beside the message, an icon with a cup being filled will be
di s pl a yed.
When the dispensing is over the display will show
6 . 6
6 . 6
6 . 6
6 . 6
6 . 6

Pre-ground coffee dispensing

Pre-ground coffee dispensing
Pre-ground coffee dispensing
Pre-ground coffee dispensing
Pre-ground coffee dispensing
Use pr e-g round cof fee instantl
pr e-g round cof fee dispensing
Brief ly pr ess (less than 1 sec
display will show
Use the specific measuring spoon to introduce one dose
of pr e-g round cof fee thr ough the pr e-g round cof fee slot
(ref. 6, fig. 1).
Press key
The machine will behave as for a normal dispensing,
uti l i s i n g the dose of
pr e-g round cof fee man ual l y i n tr oduced.
N.B.: Di s pensi n g wi t h pr
e-g round cof fee i s pr ogramma bl e onl y
for one dose.
la Pavoni
for 3 seconds.
e obtained fr
om cof fee tha t is
y loaded into the mac
hine f or
.) k ey
once . The



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