The Hove Refiller can be used locally or by means of remote control. Setting is done
by turning the switch (d) between the settings "Off", "Pump" or "Remote".
NOTE: By selecting "Pump" the pump starts running immediately.
If you select "Remote" the pump will run when pressing the button on the remote
control. When the button is released, the pump will stop.
The remote control comprises a diode indicating that the Hove cartridge should
be changed (important if e.g. more than 5 kg an installation is needed). The diode
switches off during pumping and is only on when the cartridge is empty and needs
to be changed.
The diode is activated if there is a pressure drop in the pump, which also causes the
diode to lighten when connecting the Hove Refiller to the power supply, as at this
stage no pressure has been built-up.
After use
Disconnect the power cord from the Hove Refiller and the power supply.
Clean the Hove Refiller to prevent any contamination of grease or pump.
Disconnect the hose between the Hove Refiller and the central lubrication
Disconnect and dispose of the empty Hove cartridge in an environmentally
correct way according to current rules in the country of use.
Close the Hove Refiller. Be sure that the lid is correctly closed.
Always flush the Hove Refiller pump with the new type of grease before use. If same
hose is used for all types of grease, be sure to flush this too before use.
Always clean the Hove Refiller after use. The O-ring at the bottom of the adapter
thread should be checked regularly as to wear. O-rings at the inlet of the pump
should be checked regularly as to wear. The power cord for power supply should
be checked between each use as to breakage of insulation cap. Check the pressure
hoses regularly as to damages. In case of severe damage to the outer layer of a
pressure hose, we recommend that this be changed.