p) Weather Forecast Indicators
The weather station can predict the weather conditions for the next 24 hours by detecting
atmospheric pressure changes.
Rising atmospheric pressure normally indicates sunny weather.
The weather station displays one of the following weather forecast symbols.
Partly Cloudy
The weather forecast refers to the next 24 hours. Therefore, it may happen that the
current weather and the display do not match.
The reliability of the weather forecast is about 70 to 75 %.
If the forecast calls for snow, this information is based on the outdoor temperature, not
the atmospheric pressure.
q) Logging of Atmospheric Pressure Data
The weather station can store the atmospheric pressure data from the past 24 hours.
Press the
Press the
Record sequence 1-24
To exit the data viewing mode, press any button except the
30 seconds without activity.
button (5) to select a channel.
button (1) repeatedly to view the data logged each hour.
Logged atmospheric pressure
button (1), or wait