You can use the talk-back button on the parent unit to talk to your baby.
1 Press and hold the talk-back button on the parent unit.
2 Talk clearly into the microphone at the front of the parent unit from a
distance between 15-30cm /0.5-1ft.
As long as the talk-back button is pressed, there is an open sound
connection to the baby unit. The display of the parent unit shows the
talk-back icon, indicating the active connection.
3 Release the talk-back button when you have finished talking.
Note: As long as the talk-back button is pressed, the parent unit cannot
process sounds coming from the baby unit.
The sensitivity level of the baby unit defines what you hear through the
parent unit. When the level is set high, you will hear many sounds, including
soft background sounds. When the sensitivity level is set low, you will hear
only the louder sounds.
1 Press the sensitivity button to access the sensitivity levels.
Note: When pressing the sensitivity button again, you will leave the menu.
2 Press the top or bottom part of the control button to select the desired
sensitivity level.