Quality agreement
WarrantY claim — Yes or no?
rust: To provide a proper basic protection of the chassis, it has undergone a rust-proofing
treatment. However, rust-stains may be found when lacking maintenance. This case will not be
covered by the warranty.
scratches: Scratches caused by wear and tear will not be covered by the warranty.
mould formation: Fabric parts, having become wet, should be dried properly to prevent mould
formation (see Instructions). Mould formation will not be covered by the warranty.
bleaching of the fabrics: We confirm that the fabrics comply with the established standards.
It cannot be ruled out that colours of the fabrics may fade while the parts are exposed to direct
sunlight, washed too frequently, come into contact with sweat and detergents, or suffer abrasive
wear (especially on those parts where the pram is handled). Consequently, colour fading is excluded
from the warranty. It is unavoidable that colours sometimes differ slightly from one individual batch
to the next, which is why this case will not be covered under the warranty.
Knob formation on fabrics: We recommend that you apply general clothes care. As with woollen
sweaters, the knobs can easily be removed by using a clothes-brush or burling machine.
tearing of seams, fabrics, press studs: At the time of purchase, please check carefully that all the
fabric parts, seams and snap fasteners have properly been sewn and fastened. In case of a possible
complaint concerning seams/defective snap fasteners, a claim must immediately be reported to your
dealer after the defect has been discovered.
Wheels: As wheels used on prams will not be balanced, they may show slight run-outs („wobbles").
Worn tires will be regarded as natural wear and tear. No claim can be raised if your pram, using
pneumatic tired wheels, has a „flat". This will be attributed to extraneous causes — a small hole
caused by a pointed object, or pushing the pram about when it has not got enough air in the tire.
This case will not be covered by the warranty.
What to remember When buYing Your Pram
Check that your pram is complete when it is handed over and no parts are missing.
Check the function of all parts and confirm this by signing the hand-over check.
What to do in case of a comPlaint
Call your dealer, from whom you bought the pram, to file the complaint and to discuss how to
handle the matter. In case of defects concerning safety regulations, your complaint must be
filed at your dealer within a 30 days period from the date the defects have occurred, otherwise
these defects will not be warranted for. When handling your warranty claims, we will apply
product-specific depreciation rates. We refer you to our general terms and conditions displayed
at our premises.
Make sure that the pram is in a clean condition before being sent in for repair. Repairs will not be
carried out on prams which are in a dirty condition.
use, care and maintenance
To maintain the original quality of your pram as a means of transportation for your child, it requires
care and maintenance according to the instructions.
Two Select
Convient à partir de 6 mois, jusqu'à 30 kg,
de moins de 6 mois à condition d'utiliser un couffin approprié.
Ce produit ne convient pas pour le jogging ou pour le patin à roulettes.
Toutes nos félicitations
Vous souhaitez que votre bébé se sente à l'aise et en sécurité et votre choix s'est porté sur un
produit fabriqué par
. Ce choix est parfaitement judicieux. La finition soignée et des
contrôles permanents très stricts de la qualité constituent des gages que votre voiture d'enfant
de la marque
vous donnera longtemps toute satisfaction. Les textiles utilisés ont été
testés conformément à la norme öko-tex 100 sur les substances nocives, attestant que votre
bébé ne court aucun risque.
Important !
Avant d'utiliser cette voiture d'enfant, veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions en totalité et les conserver
pour un usage ultérieur ou toute demande de renseignement complémentaire. La sécurité de votre enfant peut dépendre du
respect de ces informations.
Si vous ne comprenez pas certains points de cette notice d'utilisation et si vous avez besoin d'informations
complémentaires, n'hésitez pas à vous adresser à votre revendeur.
Veiller à ce que toute personne utilisant la voiture soit informée du fonctionnement et des consignes de sécurité.
La France