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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

• Example 2: You would like to shoot a series of photos of a
sunset to produce a time lapse video. In this case select the
time interval according to the approximate hour of the day the
sunset is supposed to take place occur e.g. from 07:00 pm to 09:00
pm. Additionally activate the menu setting „time lapse" (see below)
and choose 10 seconds. The Wild-Vision Full HD 5.0 will take a photo
every 10 seconds in the predefined time interval.

Time Lapse

If the position "ON" is selected, the camera automatically takes photos or
videos in the selected time interval, no matter whether or not the PIR sensor
has detected a motion or not. As soon as the "ON" setting is confirmed by
pressing the "OK" button, you can enter the interval time in which photos
and videos are to be recorded. The format for interval between the automatic
triggered recordings is HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes, seconds). Use the up and
down arrow buttons to change the setting. With the left and right arrow but-
tons you move one position forward or backward. You can choose an interval
from 5 seconds (00:00:05) to 24 hours (23:59:59). Confirm the settings with
The time lapse mode can also be combined with the video mode. However in
practice the photo mode makes more sense.
• Example 1: You would like to document the work progress of a
construction site. Therefore you let the camera shoot a photo every
2 minutes (00:02:00). Within 10 hours you would get 300 photos
with this setting, or accordingly 3,000 images in 10 days. Neither the
required storage space (with 5MP photo resolution a 4GB SD card is
sufficient) nor the battery power would cause a problem.
• Example 2: You would like to create a time lapse video (third
party software required). A short time interval of 5-10 seconds is
recommended. The series of single photos can then be added
together to create a time lapse video.
TIP: In time lapse mode we recommend to change the multishot setting to 1P
(one picture), thereby limiting the recorded photos to one per interval.
5. Menu

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