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Transport; All Lifts Should Undergo An Annual Technical Inspection Carried Out By An - WMB TE-046 Bedienungsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

certain point each tower will be extended
to a height different to that of the others.
For this reason it is necessary that the
structure does not stretch and allows
for these differences.
cant, the force generated from the handle
of the winch will deform the structure and
apply a lateral force to the lifts causing

4.7 - Transport:

For the transport of the tower is necessary
to fold the machine lowering every section
completely. Once the towerlift is comple-
and close the support system (SA) up to
catch pawl (R
5.1 -
areas, it should be changed and replaced
immediately with a new one. Do not use
the lift if the cables are in bad condition.
Only use VMB steel cables reference: DIN
3060 torsion resistant.
5.2 - The lift is supplied from the factory
completely greased. However, it is recom-
mended to periodically grease according
to use, the gearing, the axis bearings, the
5.3 - All lifts should undergo an annual
technical inspection carried out by an
lift's elements and security systems invol-
ved in the lift's use.
5.4 - Only use original spare parts to gua-
rantee a continued security level. The
user loses all rights to warranty if any spa-
re parts other than originals are used or
to the towerlift.
5.5 - To request a spare part please in-
R) and
dicate the corresponding code which can
K), then rise
be found in this manual together with the
lift's serial number and year of manufac-
The warranty period for this lift is 2 years
from the date of purchase.
PRO LIFTS S.L. promises, that from the
date of purchase and during the warranty
period to resolve any faults that may oc-
cur, produced through defect material or
fabrication. Damage caused by improper
red by this warranty.
Depósito legal y copyright. Todos los derechos reservados.



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