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Installation; Safety Instructions; Foreword - Orved EVOX 31 Hi-Line Bedienungs- Und Wartungsanleitung



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14.1 Safety instructions

This manual is an integral part of the product and provides all indications necessary for correct installation and mainte-
nance of the machine.
THE user and installer must carefully read and always refer to this manual; moreover, it must be stored
in a place that is known and accessible to all authorised operators (installer, user, maintenance techni-
Do not touch the machine with damp or wet hands/feet or without suitable protection (suitable gloves and shoes).
Do not insert screwdrivers, cooking tools or other foreign objects between the protective devices and moving parts.
The appliance is only intended for the use for which it was designed, i.e. for the vacuum packaging of foodstuffs.
All other uses are considered improper and potentially hazardous.
The manufacturer declines all liability and all warranty obligations, whenever damage/injury occurs to persons and
property, owing to:
• Incorrect installation, and/or which is not compliant with the laws in force..
• Modifications or actions not specific to the model.
• Use of non-original spare parts, or which are not specific to the model.
• Failure to comply, even partially, with the instructions in this manual.
• Failure to comply with accident-prevention standards and laws in force during installation.

14.2 Foreword

Installation must be carried out exclusively by authorised and specialised staff, in compliance with the
instructions and prescriptions in this manual.
• Before installing the appliance, make sure any pre-existing electrical systems comply with the law and correspond to
the specifications shown on the ID plate of the appliance being installed (V, kW, Hz, No. phases and available power).
• The installer must also check any prescriptions on the subject of fire-prevention.
• The Manufacturer declares the appliance to be compliant with European Standards in force.
• Always work with the packaging machine disconnected from the mains.
• Do not pull the power cable to disconnect the packaging machine.
CAUTION! Handling of the machine must be performed using protective gloves and always by two
All components of the packaging must be disposed of according to the regulations in force in the country where
the equipment is being used. In any case nothing must be disposed of into the environment.
CAUTION! The components of the packaging may be potentially hazardous for children and pets. Make sure they
do not play with them!
Rev. 02 - 06/2018 - Cod. 1500339 - Vacuum packaging machine user manual




