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Returning To The Supplier; Installation And Commissioning; General - Homa H119 Originalbetriebsanleitung

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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Beware of electrical current!
Damaged power supply cables can cause fatal inju-
ry! Defective cables must be replaced by a qualified
electrician immediately.
Beware of damp!
Moisture penetrating cables can damage them and
render them useless. Therefore, never immerse ca-
ble ends in the pumped fluid or other liquids.
The machine must be protected from direct sunlight,
heat, dust, and frost. Heat and frost can cause con-
siderable damage to propellers, rotors and coatings.
The rotors or propellers must be turned at regular in-
tervals. This prevents the bearing from locking and
the film of lubricant on the mechanical shaft seal is re-
newed. This also prevents the gear pinions (if present
on the product) from becoming fixed as they turn and
also renews the lubricating film on the gear pinions
(preventing rust film deposits).
Beware of sharp edges!
Sharp edges can form on rotors and propellers.
There is a risk of injuries. Wear protective gloves.
If the product has been stored for a long period of
time it should be cleaned of impurities such as dust
and oil deposits before start-up. Rotors and propellers
should be checked for smooth running, housing coat-
ing and damage.
After storage longer than one year the oil of motor
and, if necessary the gear have to be changed. This
is also necessary if the product never had run (natural
deterioration of mineral oil).
Before start-up, the filling levels (oil, cooling fluid
etc.) of the individual products should be checked and
topped up if required. Please refer to the machine data
sheet for specifications on filling. Damaged coatings
should be repaired immediately. Only a coating that
is completely intact fulfills the criteria for intended
If these rules are observed, your product can be stored
for a longer period. Please remember that elastomer parts
and coatings become brittle naturally. If the product is
to be stored for longer than 6 months, we recommend
checking these parts and replacing them as necessary.
Please consult the manufacturer.

4.4. Returning to the supplier

Products which are delivered to the plant must be clean
and correctly packaged. In this context, clean means
that impurities have been removed and decontaminat-
ed if it has been used with materials which are hazard-
ous to health. The packaging must protect the product
against damage. Please contact the manufacturer before
34 | EngliSH

5. Installation and Commissioning

5.1. General

The following points must be noted in order to prevent
damages in the pump during installation and operation:
The installation work must be carried out by qualified
personnel in compliance with the safety regulations.
The pump must be checked for possible damages
prior to installation.
The minimum submersion in water must be consid-
ered for level control.
Air pockets in the pump casing and in pipes must be
absolutely avoided (by means of appropriate venting
facilities or slight tilting of the pump).
Protect the pump from frost.
The mechanical room must be designed for the re-
spective machinery. This includes also that a lifting
device for assembly/disassembly can be installed,
with which the installation site of the pump can be
reached without danger.
The lifting device must have a maximal lifting pow-
er which is more than the weight of the pump with
mounting parts and cable.
The power lines of the pump must run in such a way
that hazard-free operation and easy assembly/disas-
sembly is possible.
The power lines must be fixed professionally in the
mechanical room so that loose hanging of the leads
is prevented. A cable holder must be fitted every two
to three meters depending on the length and weight
of the leads.
The foundation/structure must have sufficient stabili-
ty for a safe and functional fixation of the pump. The
operator is responsible for this.
A dry run is strictly prohibited. We recommend level
control for this.
Use impact plates for the feed. In this way, you can
prevent air introduction into the pumped medium
which leads to unfavorable operating conditions and
increased wear and tear.




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