AVENTICS | AS-i | R499050017–BDL–001–AE
Commissioning and operation
AS-i 8DO-AUX and
AS-i 8DO addressing
The 8x bus coupler is logically handled as if it were two
participants that need to be assigned two addresses. Default
setting of the DIP switch: bit 1 and bit 2 ON (both participants
How to set the bus address(es):
1. Open the PG screw cap (1) on the bus connection side of the
This makes the 2x DIP switch S1 (2) accessible that is
needed to switch on the participants in the AS-i bus.
Fig. 12: S1 DIP switch to set the addresses in AS-1 8DI/8DO-AUX and
2. Set the DIP switch bit 1 to ON and the DIP switch bit 2 to OFF.
3. Connect the AS-i bus connection (PWR) to an AS-i
addressing device via the addressing cable.
4. Assign the address for participant 1 in the areas 1 to 31 and
document this in the label area and, if necessary, the cable
socket label.
5. Set both DIP switch bit 1 and bit 2 to ON.
6. Assign the address for participant 2 using the AS-i
addressing device and document this in the label area and,
if necessary, the cable socket label.
Valve address assignment
Valves with one solenoid (14) or two solenoids (12 and 14) may
be used. If using mixed equipment, the valves with two
solenoids must be connected first, starting at valve position 1,
on off