6. Focus Adjustment
Signal : Green "ョ" pattern and green vertical line inside Microsoft Excel "Work sheet"
No.20 (1024*768@85Hz) green and white "ョ" pattern, Red, green, blue and white cross
hatch pattern
6-1 Picture Focus Adjustment
(1) Receive signal Microsoft Excel "Work sheet" by PC system.
The PC system recommend use the video card "MillenniumⅡ" or equivalent.
(2) Set brightness to just cut off and contrast to user control maximum.
(3) Adjust VR F2 of FBT (Lower side VR) for the green vertical line in side of the excel sheet to become
fine line.
(4) Adjust VR F1 of FBT (Upper side VR) for the green horizontal "ヨ"pattern in side of the excel sheet
to become fine line.
Vertical Lines
Fig 6-1 Microsoft Excel "work sheet"
Fig 6-2 "ョ" pattern ( Font size 7 x 9 )
"ョ" pattern