7 segment display personalisation
Enter set-up by pressing the encoder button for at least
5 seconds.
Select the required parameter by rotating the encoder.
Store the selected parameter in the 7 segment display
by pressing button (2)
Save and exit the current screen by pressing button (4)
Default I1
3.10 Lock/unlock
Allows all the settings to be locked from the control panel with
a security password.
Enter set-up by pressing the encoder key for at least 5 seconds.
Select the required parameter (551).
Activate the regulation of the selected parameter by pressing the
encoder button.
Set a numerical code (password) by rotating the encoder.
Confirm the change made by pressing the encoder button.
Save and exit the current screen by pressing button (4)
The carrying out of any operation on a locked control panel
causes a special screen to appear.
Access the panel functionalities temporarily (5 minutes) by
rotating the encoder and entering the correct password.
Confirm the change made by pressing button/encoder.
Unlock the control panel definitively by entering set-up (fol-
low the instructions given above) and bring back parameter
551 to "off".
Confirm the changes made by pressing button (4)
Confirm the change made by pressing the encoder.
3.11 External controls management
Allows the setting of the welding parameters management
method by the external devices (RC, torch...).
Enter set-up by pressing the encoder key for at least 5 seconds.
Select the required parameter (602).
Enter the "External controls management" screen by pressing
the encoder button.
Select the required RC remote control output (CH1, CH2, CH3,
CH4) by pressing button (1).
Select the required parameter (Min-Max-parameter) by pressing
the encoder button.
Adjust the required parameter (Min-Max-parameter) by rotating
the encoder.
Save and exit the current screen by pressing button (4)
Cancel the operation by pressing button (3)