GB - SuperFish Deco-Filters
Decorative water ornaments to be placed on the edge of the pond, in the
shape of an amphora, Carp and Frog. Can be used as an outlet for a pressure
filter or as a mini-filter for small ponds. Made from a durable resin, safe for
plants and animals.
• Read carefully before usage.
• If you are going to use the Deco-Filter as an outlet on a normal pond filter instead of a
pressure filter, make sure that the water flow is not restricted. otherwise the filter
may overflow and your pond could get empty. Causing damage to plants and fish. Test
thoroughly and adjust the pump capacity and outflow of water.
• The maximum pump capacity of the Amphora is 4000 L/h, for Carp and Frog the
maximum pump capacity is 3000 L/h.
Use as a decorative filter outlet
• For use with a pressure filter.
• Avoid an ugly hose or pipe over the pond edge.
• Place the Deco-Filter on the pond edge (figure A).
• Choose the largest possible hose diameter (recommended ǿ 40 mm).
• Cut the Multi-step hose connection (40/32/25 mm) to right size (figure B).
• Connect the ornament with a hose to the outlet of the filter (figure A).
• The sponge in the Deco-Filter ensures that the water flows evenly into the pond, test
yourself whatever works best in your situation.
Use as a decorative mini-filter
• Place the Deco-Filter on the pond edge (figure C).
• Choose the right hose size that fits on your pond pump.
• Cut the Multi-step hose connection (40/32/25 mm) to right size (figure D).
• Connect the Deco-Filter with a hose on to the pond pump (figure C).
• The sponge in the Deco-Filter cleans the water, you can always add additional filter
media into the filter compartment (figure E). Use a filter media bag. We recommend
SuperFish Super Activated Carbon for optimal water quality.
• The removable cover makes it easy to clean the filter.
• Clean the sponge regularly and replace it two times a year.
• To prevent damage from frost, remove the pond pump and Deco-Filter, clean it with a
mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly with clean tap water and keep it frost-free.