Risk of injury and damage! Obserue the
weight of the appliance when you transport
Use the pushing handle to push the ap-
When tгanspoгting in vehiсles, seсUre
the applianсe aссording to the guide-
lines from slipping and tipping over.
Risk of injury and damage! Note the weight
af the appliance in case of storage.
This applianсe must only be stored in inte-
rior rooms.
Ь Danger
Risk of injury bу inadvertent startup of ap-
pliance and electriсal shock.
First pull out the plug from the mains before
carrying out anу fаsks on the machine.
You сan sign with your dealer a сontraсt for
regular safety inspeсtion or even sign a
maintenanсe сontraсt. P|ease take adviсe
on this matter.
Cheсk applianсe for damages.
Cheсk сonneсtion сable for damages
(risk of eleсtriсal shoсk); get the dam-
aged сonneсtion сable repIaсed imme-
diately by an authorised сustomer
seгviсe person/ eleсtriсian.
Cheсk the high pressure hose for dam.
ages (risk of bursting).
Please arrange for the immediate ex-
сhange of a damaged high-pressuгe
Cheсk suсtion hose and attaсhments
for wear and bloсkages.
) Cheсk the сovers of the wastewater
and fresh water tanks for сIeanIiness
and damage.
F|ush thе high pressure system with ap-
prox. 4 liters of water.
Rinse the diгt water tank with с|ear wa-
Clean the floater in the wastewater res-
Clean fresh water tank.
Cheсk fresh water filter: сIean if re-
qu ir ed.
Clean the outside of the applianсe with
a damp сloth whiсh has been soaked in
mild detergent.
Switсh on the suсtion for drying the sys-
tem .
Do not сlose the |ids of the fresh water
and diгt water tanks so that thе tanks
сan dry up.
Cheсk spray pattern of the nozzle and
the pump pressuгe.
Cheсk the sieve in the wastewater tank
for damage.
Cheсk сarbon brush of the suсtion tur-
bine, replaсe if required. *
* To be done by Customer Serviсe.
) Unsсrew the filteг сup.
) Clean filter inlay or replace if too diгty.
) Replaсe the filter сup.
Ь Danger
Risk of injury bу inadvertent staftup of ap-
plianсe and electriсal shock.
First pull outthe plug from the mains before
сarrying out anу fasks on the machine'
1 8
Cheсk funсtioning of the app|ianсe.
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