To optimize the combustion it is necessary
to pay attention to guarantee a perfect mix
of wood (combustible) and air (supporter of
combustion). The primary air flows at the
bottom of the combustion chamber through
the wood holder grill and allows the com-
bustion. Operating on the primary air reg-
ulator you can set the speed of combustion
and so the heat generated by the thermal
cooker. The regulation works on an auto-
matic device that acts on the desired tem-
perature, keeping it steady.
With the secondary air regulation you set
the air flow entering in the upper part of the
thermal cooker. The secondary air allows the
after-combustion of the fumes, generating
more heat and knocking down the quantity
of harmful gas spreaded making best both
the rendering of the thermal cooker and its
impact on the environment. The secondary
air is optimized for the correct working and
Before lighting the fire, it is necessary to
turn on the control unit by pushing the
switch on/off for few seconds. To light the
fire, you can use well dried wood, very sub-
tly cut, together with the specific products
Picture 22 - Starting key on STP model
5. USE
so you can not regulate it. The secondary air
comes from the boiler vain of the thermal
cooker, in this way it is heated before go-
ing in the combustion chamber. When the
combustion is over, turn off the primary air
regulation to keep the wood fired cooker
hot for a longer time.
Picture 21 - Primary air regulation.
you can find in commerce. The combustion
may be difficult as long as the chimney is
cold. The necessary time depends on the
chimney and on the weather conditions.