Linearize the Scale
a. Switch on the scale
b. Zero the scale
c. Select calibration/linearization
d. Select linearization
e. Confirm/start linearization
After the zero point is stored,
the required linearization
weight is displayed.
f. Place the required weight on
the scale
g. If the weight is applied within
the defined time limit and tolerance,
the "OK" symbol is displayed.
Press "(Print/Enter)" to confirm
and save calibration. (To exit
linearization, press (Zero/Left) > 2 sec)
h. The next linearization weight
will be shown on the display
after confirmation of the
previous linearization weight.
i. Place the required weight
on the scale.
j. If the weight is applied within
the defined time limit and
tolerance, the "OK" symbol
is displayed. Press "(Print/Enter)"
to confirm and save calibration.
(To exit linearization,
press (Zero/Left) > 2 sec)
k. Remove the linearization weight
l. Linearization complete
Key (or instruction)
(Tare/Right) > 2 sec
(Fn/Up) or (G/N/Down)