Weighing in Percent
This application program allows you to obtain weight readouts in percent which are in
proportion to a reference weight.
Example: Determine an unknown percentage; store the weight on the balance as the
reference percentage (100%)
1. Select application program
2. Select Weighing in Percent
3. Confirm setting
Symbol " " on the display: application is active
4. Place empty container on the balance
5. Tare the balance
6. Place the reference weight for 100%
on the balance
7. If desired, change the number
of decimal places displayed: 100.0%,
100.00% or 100% (factory setting)
8. Confirm selected no. of decimal places
9. Place unknown weight on the balance
10. Toggle display between weight
and percentage
11. Unload the balance
12. Weighing in Percent application:
clear the reference percentage
13. Reactivate Weighing in Percent (if no other
application program has been selected)
14. Repeat procedure starting from Step 5.
Key (or instruction)
(Zero) > 2 sec
(F) repeatedly
(F) repeatedly
(F) repeatedly
(Enter) > 2 sec