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Home Arm Defense Zone Setting; Voice Recording; Arm/ Disarm Siren Sound Setting; Siren Setting In "Emergency Help" Mode - mt vision AS-200 Bedienungsanleitung



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Function settings

21. Home Arm Defense Zone Setting

Home arm defense: sometimes (for example, when you are at home), you want
some of the sensors work while some do not, you can do this setting.
In setup state, use keypad to input 61, then choose the corresponding defense zone
number 01~99, then choose [Home Arm], and then choose whether alarm 0/1 but-
ton, and finally press # to confirm. The main unit will make a long beep and a voice
prompt "setting completed".
Operating method: 61 a XX a A a #
XX indicates: 01~99 is defense zone 1 to defense zone 99
A indicates:
0: no alarm under home arm status even the sensor is triggered
1: alarm under home arm status
Example: set sensor in defense zone 11 make alarm under home arm status
Operation: 61 a 11 a 1 a #
Example: set sensor in defense zone 12 not make alarm even when it's triggered
under home arm status.
Operation: 61 a 12 a 0 a #
After this setting, when you "home arm" the system, sensor in defense zone 55 will
not work.
Home arm status is suitable for all defense zones including wired defense zones.

22. Voice Recording

In setup state, use keypad to input [701], and then press [#] to confirm. The main
unit will emit a beep and the [ ] indicator is on, and after 10 seconds countdown,
recording starts: record at 30cm away from the main unit with moderate tone; 10
seconds later, the main unit will make a beep indicating the recording stops and the
recorded voice will replay.
Operating method: 701 a #
Function settings

23. Arm/ Disarm Siren Sound Setting

After you activate this function, when you arm the system, the external siren will
sound one short beep; and when you disarm it, there will be two short beeps.
In setting status, use keypad to input 75, then set siren sound OFF/ON by 0/1 but-
ton and finally press # to confirm; voice prompts: setting completed, please enter
Operating method: 750 a # or 751 a #
0: sound OFF, (system default: 0)
1: sound ON
Example: set arm/disarm siren alarm sound ON.

24. Siren Setting in "Emergency Help" Mode

Press "Emergency/SOS" button on the remote controller or the keypad, the system
will make alarm immediately. You can choose to activate the siren sound or not.
In setup state, use keypad to input 76, and then 1/0, finally press # to confirm. The
main unit will make a long beep and a voice prompt "setting completed".
Operating method: 76 a A a #
A indicates: 0: siren off in "Emergency Help" mode
1: siren on in "Emergency Help" mode
System default: 0 siren off
For example: Set Emergency siren
25. SMS Notification for Arm/Disarm (Default: OFF)
In setup state, input use keypad to input 77, and then 1/0, finally press # to confirm.
The main unit will make a long beep and a voice prompt "setting completed".
Operating method: 77 a 0 a # or 77 a 1 a #
0: no SMS for arm/disarm to the 3 alarm-receiving numbers (default)
1: SMS for arm/disarm to the 3 alarm-receiving numbers
For example: send SMS when arm




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