volume, the setting will be invalid and the appliance will cancel the process. In this
case, the previously programmed extraction volume will be kept in memory.
1. Insert a filter basket in the portafilter and install the portafilter in the group head but
without coffee powder. Place a cup or mug of sufficient size below the porta-filter.
2. Ensure that a sufficient amount of water is in the water tank. At least, the white
handle of the water filter should be covered with water.
3. Hold the button pressed that is assigned to the brewing function you wish to pro-
gram (1 cup or 2 cups). For programming, you need to hold the button pressed,
until the minimum extraction volume of the selected brewing function dripped out
of the portafilter (see table above).
4. Release the button as soon as the desired amount of water is in the cup.
The appliance will stop pumping automatically, when the maximum extraction
volume is reached.
The volume given off during this process will be memorized for the brewing func-
tion you selected. When pressing this button again, the appliance will start a usual
extraction, including the pre-infusion function, but with the new extraction volume.
The new extraction volume will be kept in memory even after shut-off and disconnec-
ting the appliance from the mains power supply.
If there are any problems arising with your own settings, we recommend to restart
the appliance with the factory settings. This will delete all your individual settings
from memory.
Important: There is no way to reverse this step. All settings made previously will be
overwritten by the factory settings and get lost. This holds as well for the water hard-
ness and amount of water that has been given off after the last descaling process. If
required, you need to re-enter your settings (water hardness and extraction volume).
1. Connect the appliance to the mains power supply. Ensure that the appliance is
switched off (power button is dark).
2. Hold all 4 buttons pressed simultaneously at least for 5 seconds until all buttons
are flashing. Release the buttons. The factory settings are restored.