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Inventum BM75 Gebrauchsanleitung Seite 38



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

question: How does the timer work?
the timer can not be set under 2:53 hours
or over 13 hours. the timer needs a minimum
off 2 hours and 53 minutes to finish all
necessary processes. the ingredients
can perish when they stay in the breadmaker
over 13 hours without being cooked. for
further explanations, see chapter "How to use
the preset timer".
question: Why can I not add extra ingredients to the
basic ingredients?
to give the dough and/or the bread the right
shape and to let it rise properly, the dried
currants and others should be added
later. there is a chance that the ingredients
are being squashed during the kneading-
process. they can stick together and then they
will not be evenly divided in the dough. add
the extra ingredients only after the first
"beep". you may not add extra ingredients
when you use one of the fast programs.
question: Can water be replaced by fresh milk?
yes - but not when using the preset timer and
use the same amount of liquids that the recipe
question: I can not get the bread out of the breadpan,
what can I do?
this can be caused by two problems. the
non-stickcoating of your breadpan is worn out
or the bread has not yet cooled down. If
the non-stickcoating is worn out, we advise
you to buy a new breadpan. To find out what
the exact problem is, we advise the following:
as soon as the breadmaker has finished, take
out the breadpan with the bread and let it
cool down for 15 to 20 minutes. turn the
breadpan upside down and slowly shake out
the bread. Leave the bread to cool for another
15 minutes on a wire rack before you cut it.
question: there is a margin on the kneadingblade. What
causes this and how can I prevent this?
the non-stickcoating at the inside on the
kneading blade is thick, soft and not
completely hardened. The final hardening
happens at first operation of the machine.
Because of the pressure, which is being put on
the kneadingblade during kneading, the non-
stickcoating will become thinner and harder,
which causes more space to become between
the kneadingblade and the driveshaft in the
breadpan. This process will happen in the first
few weeks of operation. this is fully normal.
question: the kneadingblade remains in the bread
after removing the bread out of the breadpan.
Is this normal?
It is perfectly normal that the kneadingblade
sticks in the bread. If this would not be the
case, there would be a large hole in the bread
after removing it out of the breadpan. now
the bread will first cool down and therefore
become more solid, before the kneadingblade
is removed. the hole in the bread will in
this case be much smaller. During the first few
operations, it could happen that the
kneadingblade remains in the breadpan, this is
because of the question above.
question: How can I clean the inside of the breadmaker
when the dough has run over?
you can clean the inside of the breadmaker
with a ovencleaner. make sure that you
protect the heating element. you can clean
the heating element by letting the
breadmaker, without content, finish a
complete program, once or twice. the heating
element will burn clean.
question: Because of a diet I am not allowed to eat
bread with sugar. Is it possible to make a
sugarfree bread in this machine?
yes, this is possible. you can leave out the
sugar from the basic-recipe. When doing this,
you should leave out the salt from the recipe
question: my bread collapses, when changing from rising
to baking. What is the problem?
this could be caused by two problems.
Either you have used too much yeast or
too much water. In most cases the problem is
caused by too much water. the recipes in the
instruction manual are basic-recipes. It could
happen for example that the flour needs less
water then stated. We advise you to use 10 to
20 ml. less water. the problem should now be
question: When I bake a bread with raisins, all the
raisins are at the bottom. What can I do to
solve this?
the dough is probably to compact and cannot
divide the raisins properly. add 10 to 20 ml.
of water to the basic-recipe, causing the
dough to be more flexible and the raisins to
divide better amongst the dough. please make
sure that the raisins themselves are not too
question: the crust is sometimes light and sometimes
you can set this yourself with the button
"crust" (= korst). for a light crust set the
breadmaker on light (L), for a dark crust set
the breadmaker on dark (d).
question: What has happened when the bread is so high
that is touches the lid?
you have used too much yeast and/or sugar,
which causes more gas inside the bread and
too much rising.
question: Why is not allowed to make bread with fruit
with the program "fast-superfast"?
the time for rising is less with this program
and when you use more ingredients, it
influences the bakingtime which causes a bad
result if you use such a program with these
ingredients, like fruit.
question: the breadmaker is kneading slower when
making a heavy bread?
this is normal when you use these recipes.
It does not cause a problem for the machine,
but it is advisable to add one tablespoon of
Before you take the bread away for repairs
You keep getting bad results .
We advise to make one bread with a ready-made
breadmix. you only have to add water and butter. When
you get a good result, it means that your breadmaker has


