At measuring kind "rAtE-Slo" a power saving function is selectable: "Lo.Po". If activated a
measurement is only done if it is also logged (i.e. no additional measurements between the saved
values). This seriously reduces the power consumption and is therefore especially appropriate for
long-term measurements (e.g. leak test) without an external power supply.
a) Start recording:
Press "store" for 2 seconds: Start Menu, press
Each storage process is signaled by the short display of „St.XXXXX‟, where XXXXX is the number of the
saved data set.
If the logger memory is full, the recording stops automatically and the display shows
If Low-Power-Logger-Function Lo.Po = on the device switches itself off as soon as the memory gets filled.
Stop recording:
Press "store" for 2 seconds: If recording is running the "stop" menu is displayed
Select with
Do not stop recording
(cancel menu)
Stop recording
Confirm selection and quit "stop" menu
If you try to switch off the device while cyclic recording is active you will be asked whether the
recording should really be stopped.
The device can only be switched off if the recording is stopped.
Auto-off function is deactivated as long as cyclic recording is active.
c) Clear recordings:
Press "store" for 2 seconds: If there are data sets stored and recording is already stopped
is displayed
Select with
Clear nothing (cancel menu)
Clear all recordings
Clear the last recording
Confirm selection and quit menu "Clear"
Operating Manual GMH 5155
to call the clear-menu
again: automatic recording will be started.
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