a) Charge Programmes
The "Charge Manager 410" provides a total of five programmes for processing the
rechargeable batteries:
• Charging ("CHA" = "CHARGE")
• Discharge ("DIS" = "DISCHARGE")
• Test ("CHK" = "CHECK")
• Cycle ("CYC" = "CYCLE")
• Revive ("ALV" = "ALIVE")
b) Maintenance Charge
If the rechargeable battery is left in the charger and it is required, the maintenance
programme "TRICKLE" (display "TRI") is started automatically.
c) Energy Saving Mode
If all programmes are processed (display "RDY") and no button was pressed, the device
switches into energy saving mode after approx. one minute. The display is also switched
off in this.
Pressing a button, inserting another cell, possibly removing all cells or starting the
maintenance charge will lead to leaving of the energy savings mode.