The position of the corresponding channel output is displayed in real
time while adjusting the low end mix, high end mix or offset.
As shown in picture 21.22: The first set of mix is activated, and the master
channel is aileron function and the slave channel is elevator Ch2, The low
side mix is set to +50% and thehigh side mix is set to +100%. Move the
stick to the far left, the channel position is displayed .
1.27 Curve Mixes
This function can be helpful when you fly with some special movements
and need some mix control function. The curve mixes like linear mixes
can be set to 4 set of mixes. This function can be set in 5 conditions. The
slave channel will be affected by master channel after linear mixes are
applied, which will be presented with curve distribution. Set 11 points
from -100% to 100% to adjust the cun/e. The horizontal dotted line dis-
plays in real time the stick position and the vertical dotted line displays
in real time the position of slave channel output after this function. The
master channel and channel can be from stick or knob, basic and output
channel. These 4 sets of mixes can be assigned to a switch(SwA~SwH.
LSw) respectively.
The position of the corresponding channel output is displayed in real
time while adjusting the curve.
As shown in picture 21.23 The first mix is activated. The master channel
is aileron function and the slave channel is CH2 Ele. Adjust the value of
point L to -90%, and point H to +90%.
CARSON Reflex Stick Ultimate Touch 500501002
Pic. 21.22
Pic. 21.23
Pic. 21.24