Never operate the machine if the safety and monitor-
ing devices have been removed or damage, or if they
do not work.
2.8. Pumped fluids
Each pumped fluid differs in regard to composition, cor-
rosiveness, abrasiveness, TS content and many other
aspects. Generally, our products can be used for many
applications. For more precise details, see chapter 3, the
machine data sheet and the order confirmation. It should
be remembered that if the density, viscosity or the gener-
al composition change, this can also alter many parame-
ters of the product.
Different materials and impeller shapes are required for
different pumped fluids. The more exact your specifica-
tions on your order, the more exactly we can modify our
product to meet your requirements. If the area of applica-
tion and/or the pumped fluid change, we will be happy to
offer supportive advice.
When switching the product into another pumped fluid,
observe the following points:
Products which have been operated in sewage or
waste water must be thoroughly cleaned with pure
water or drinking water before use.
Products which have pumped fluids which are haz-
ardous to health must always be decontaminated
before changing to a new fluid. Also clarify whether
the product may be used in a different pumped fluid.
With products which have been operated with a lu-
bricant or cooling fluid (such as oil), this can escape
into the pumped fluid if the mechanical shaft seal is
Danger - explosive fluids!
It is absolutely prohibited to pump explosive liquids
(e.g. gasoline, kerosene, etc.). The products are not
designed for these liquids!
2.9. Sound Pressure
Depending on the size and power (kW), the pump has
a sound pressure of about 40dB (A) to 70dB (A) during
operation. However, the actual sound pressure depends
on several factors. These are, for example, the type of
installation and set-up, mounting of accessories, piping,
operating point, immersion depth, and much more.
3. General Description
3.1. Application
The wastewater lifting unit Saniquick 1A promotes conta-
minated water and wastewater drainage from, for examp-
le, sinks or showers from areas below the backflow level
and from areas for which the slope to the nearest sewer
connection is too low. The wastewater lifting units in the
Saniflux V and Sanifox series are suitable for promoting
wastewater and fecal matter.
All hoisting equipment complies with the standard DIN EN
12050-3 (Lifting plants for limited application). This means
The system must be installed in the same room as
the sanitary units to be disposed of so that a malfun-
ction can be detected immediately. A shaft mounting
is not permitted.
The system must be installed on the flooring and
must not be allowed (flush mounting).
Only a small user group should be dependent on the
system. A toilet above the backflow level must also
be available to this user group.
Sewage-free sewage with Saniquick 1a:
A hand wash basin or sink and another apparatus,
such as A bathtub or a washing machine or a sho-
wer or a dishwasher or a urinal.
Faeces containing sewage with Sanifox or Saniflux V:
A toilet and a hand wash basin and a shower and a
sitting washbasin.
Condensate or brine from water softening systems
must be disposed of by means of an additional was-
te water pump or a lifting unit (for example Sanipow-
er, Condistar, Solestar, Saniquick C - CH235 WA).
It must be ensured without fail that no toiletries, e.g.
tampons, sanitary towels, condoms etc., and no
non-sliceable materials such as glass, wood, metal
(razor blades, crown caps) or the like can go into the
sewage, Since these are not sliced by the cutting
unit, they remain in the collecting tank and may block
the pump. Avoid introducing wastewater heavily la-
den with fats into the lifting unit.
Flow velocity in the pressure line must be at least
3.2. Type of Use
The wastewater lifting units are designed for intermittent
S3 30% operation.
3.3. Construction
The wastewater lifting units consist of a non-rotting, wa-
ter-, gas-and odor-proof plastic container with a single-sta-
ge centrifugal pump which automatically shuts on at a
water level of about 8 cm and off at about 3 cm.
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