Store addresses in the address book
If you have not entered a destination address yet:
Enter the desired data (city, road, junction or special facility) of the desired
destination address in the Destination Input menu.
Select "Destination store" from the Destination Input menu.
If you like you can enter a name for the destination address. Select "Name"
and enter up to a max. of 10 characters.
The entered name is now shown as the new menu title.
Select "Store address".
The address is now stored in the address book under this name.
The menu title now changes back to "Name:".
Retrieve addresses from the address book
Select "Retrieve address" from the destination store menu.
The list of all addresses already stored in the address book is shown.
The list is sorted in alphabetical order.
Select the desired address from the list.
The selected address is accepted as the new destination address.