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Maintenance; Troubleshooting - capital sports 10030372 Bedienungsanleitung



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Cleaning: Wipe away the dust on the belt, running board and side footboard as excess dust may increase the
frictional on the belt and cause damage to the machine. It is recommended to clean the machine once a month.
Lubrication: The treadmill is pre-lubricated. A frequent check will help maintain the good performance of the tre-
admill nonetheless. Put on some lubrication oil in the middle between the belt and the board. Then press the belt
and slowly move it to apply the oil evenly all over the board.
Running belt is off-center: The Running belt may become off-center after using for a period of time. First allow
the machine to run by it-self and the belt may centralize automatically. If it does not centralize automatically, you
can adjust the position of the belt by screwing the bolt shown in the images below. If the running belt has shifted
to the right, you need to tighten the screw on the right of the belt or loosen the screw on the left. If the belt has
moved to the left, do the opposite.
Belt Slipping: Please adjust bolts according to the diagram below. When adjusting the two sides make sure each
adjustment is the same, on either side of the treadmill. We recommend adjusting by half a turn until the running belt
does not slip or deviate. Avoid making the belt too tight as this may damage it.
In order to prolong the lifespan of the treadmill, we suggest switch off the treadmill for about 10 minutes after 2
hours' exercising.
Running belt is too loose or tight will do harm to the treadmill. So keep a suitable tightness is very important. We
suggest you grasp the running belt and pull it up to a certain distance until you cannot pull it up anymore. If the
distance is between 50-75mm, we think the tightness of the running belt is suitable.
Error Code 01: Signal communication failure
E01: The communication between the computer and the PCB failed.
Check the console for any abnormalities. Check the cables for wear or defects and replace if necessary.
Error Code 02: Surge protection
E02: PCB is not able to detect the motor voltage.
Check whether the power supply is working correctly and if the PCB emits any burnt smell. If so, switch off
immediately and replace.


Trouble Shooting

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