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Starting Automatic Operation - Gastroback 42703 Bedienungsanleitung

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WARNING: Special care is necessary, when leaving any electrical
appliance unattended while connected to the power supply and during
operation. Always ensure that the coffeemaker is prepared correctly and
completely for a brewing cycle, according to the instructions in section
Preparing Some Cups of Coffee, before starting automatic operation, and
leaving the coffeemaker unattended.
Especially ensure that the filter basket and glass carafe are inserted correctly and the
cover of the coffeemaker is closed properly.
Automatic operation is only possible, when the clock and start time are adjusted.
1. Ensure that you prepared the coffeemaker correctly and completely for the brew-
ing cycle. (See: "Preparing Some Cups of Coffee")
WARNING: Ensure that the filter basket and glass carafe are inserted
properly. The covers of coffeemaker and glass carafe must be fully clo-
sed. The glass carafe must open the Pause & Serve mechanism.
2. Adjust the clock and select the desired start time (See: "Adjusting the Clock" and
"Selecting the Auto Brew Start Time").
3. Press the AUTO ON- button. A green light appears indicating that automatic ope-
ration is ON . The prepared brewing cycle will start on the preselected time without
further manual action.
You can switch off automatic operation quite easy by pressing the AUTO ON-
button again. The green light expires and the coffeemaker is in normal operation
When the brewing cycle starts, the green light on the AUTO ON -button expire and
the light of the ON/OFF- and BREWING- button lluminates to indicate that the
coffeemaker is in operation. After the brewing cycle, the coffeemaker is in normal
operation again.
WARNING: Before activating the automatic operation again by pres-
sing the AUTO ON-button, always ensure that the coffeemaker is prepa-
red completely and correctly for a brewing cycle!
The coffeemaker saves the time settings (clock and start time) as long as it is
connected to the power supply. To restart automatic operation on the same preseted
time within the next 24 hours, carefully prepare your coffeemaker for the
and, hereafter, simply press the AUTO ON button. The green LED
brewing cycle
light shows that the function is switched on.






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